Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 in a row

Everyone slept well last night with all the windows open and fresh air traveling throughout the house. This morning we had breakfast and got dressed and just had a lazy time before dropping Ellie off at camp. Today they went to the sport park and played mini golf and Ellie tried the betting cages for the first time.
Nick and I came back here and watched Robots. I made myself a large iced cappuccino - delish. We went over to Mom and Dad's after the movie. We had lunch and then Dad and I took the boys for a walk. I was able to make it about 1/2 way through the walk before my feet started to act up. This is progress because last time is was only about 5 blocks. We stopped at the train tracks to watch the train pass under us and then went to the park for a bit. The boys didn't really play on the equipment, they ran all over instead.
We went back to the house for a bit before heading home to pick up Ellie. She had a great time at sport park and said her body hurt after the batting cages. We came home and were trying to think of things for them to do tonight. I had my stupid cancer bootcamp. We played outside with the neighbors and tried to think of pool alternatives because it was too cold to do that. We finally agreed to have dinner at home and use their bank certificates for ice cream after.
I left to go downtown - amazing how smooth a ride can be when it is not a Friday. There was absolutely no back ups on Lake Shore. I knew no one at the event tonight but it was very powerful to be in a room with 100 other people my age who have been through what I have been through. The topic tonight was oncofertility, which didn't really apply for me but I went to meet other people. I sat next to a lady named Ryan who just moved to Chicago from New Orleans. There was a survivor panel which was interesting.
I came home and signed up to be an Imerman Angel. It's 1 to 1 cancer support that is diagnosis and age based. I had considered signing up for support while in treatment but decided against it because I wanted my journey to be a positive one and didn't want to be matched with someone who might have had a negative one. I am excited to see what happens with this group because this was their toe in the water event and I think there is a definite need.
Exciting news of the day - I scheduled Plums departure procedure for next week. I am a bit nervous about this - it is the final step of this journey. It also brings no anesthesia, just a lidocaine shot before they re-open the incision and pull the port out. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Here's to being able to walk through security gates without paperwork! Here's to this road coming to an end. Here's to a new, exciting, smooth road ahead! Love ya, Mom
