Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Wednesday and I Remembered

Nick and I hung out with Jo on Monday. Jo's maternity leave ends next week and sh will go back to work. She is breaking the boys into the new pattern, so she was flying solo while Mom and Dad had the boys. We went shopping at Target and I found such awesome, weird clearance. I got keifer for $.54 a bottle, shampoo was 75% off & socks. We went to Whole Foods and did a bit of shopping but also got lunch.
Jo dropped us at home. I set Nick up watching a movie and went to workout. Ellie had her first knitting club get together at Christi's. I took her over after school. Rob played with Nick for a long time - it is nice when we get one on one time with each of the kids. I made a delish bbq shred, roasted pepper & onion pizza. The new Fresheta pizza crusts are very tasty. I picked Ellie up from Christi's, Rob gave Nick a bath and then we got the kids into bed.
Yesterday I dropped Nick off at school and went over to Christi's. We got her signed up on ebay and tried to list a couple things she wanted to sell. Time flies when you are having fun because soon enough it was time to pick Nick up from school. Nick didn't feel like doing anything so we came home. We had a laid back day playing with trains, reading books and watching Netflix. When Ellie got home from school we did homework. Rob got home and I took Ellie to the library for her last check in. It is pretty cool, since she finished the program, we are invited to a private party at the library this weekend - after hours. We came home and I made breakfast for dinner. I was going to try these sweet potato latkes that I saw on Pinterest but after I shredded all the sweet potatoes I kinda lost interest in any more steps. I ended up making them into hash browns and I thought they were pretty good. We had eggs and fruit and toasted Irish soda bread. Ellie took a quick shower and then we went to work with math and reading and bedtime. Rob and I were able to watch Parenthood on the sofa. I could not warm up, though.
Today I went grocery shopping while Nick was at school. I picked him up and we went to the bank for a quick deposit before dropping the groceries at home. We went over to Mom and Dad's to play with Tony and Matteo. Mom made the boys lunch and then T was off to school. I got some stellar playtime in with Matteo - incredible how babies grow everyday. We had lunch and Dad took Nick outside to play, it was gorgeous out this afternoon. Nick asked if he could stay and come home with Mom and Dad when they came for dinner and was told he could. I came home and started dinner. I made a vegetable pasta bake, corn pudding, fruit and ham and Mom brought a salad and dessert.
Dinner was good and the kids had some extra time to play games before we watched the Middle. I got laundry loads flipped and the kids into PJs before we sat down. Mom and Dad left and we got the kids to bed.
I have had some body breakdowns the past couple days. My left shoulder has a deep pain. I am not sure where it came from because I don't wake up with it, it develops over the day. It is bad enough I cannot turn my head all the way left. I also have this stabbing pain in my heal on my left foot. I was telling Mom about it and she suggested wearing my Birkenstocks for a couple days. I haven't worn them all winter and she was right - 24 hours in Birks and my heal pain is gone. Little bit of lower back pain, too. Maybe its the weather. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lots of Running around

It seems like we were running around all weekend. I'll work my way backward. Today we started out at church. We came home for a bit after but were right back out the door to Niles West for a baseball/softball clinic. It was a hit with the kids (hahaha) - they both liked the various skills they learned. We came home and Nick and Ellie played, I got some laundry done and read the newspaper. I baked some pumpkin cream cheese cake and crumb cake muffins. We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Mom was experimenting with some recipes and they tasted nice. We came home and the kids went straight to the computer - favorite new thing is watching youtube videos of toy train crashes. We have been watching the Oscars but nothing too exciting there.
Yesterday, Rob took the kids with him up to a job. I took my friend to go pick out her wig. I can honestly say if you are ever in he market for a wig because you have lost your hair or will be losing your hair you should avoid 'Second Act' in Chicago. The owner lacked empathy and patience in what I am quite sure is a very difficult point in treatment. It made me realize how fortunate I was to have not lost my hair. Every wig had bangs - something I haven't had in about 20 years and it was a horrible mistake when I did it then. I came home and Rob and the kids walked in right after.
We had lunch and then I took Ellie for her check-in at the library. We took a family ride to get Rob some clamps for woodworking that were on sale. We hit a couple thrift stores and came home. The kids were both extremely moody and in need of a good night of sleep so we tucked them in early. Rob and I must have been in need of sleep, too. I fell asleep on the couch for a nap and Rob went up early.
Friday we woke up to the snow emergency alarm ringing. Odd because we didn't even have enough snow to cover the grass blades outside. I moved the car and we had breakfast. Nick and I ran to Wings - we were there on Thursday and I saw something and had thrift remorse for not grabbing it. I was able to pick up an American Girl palm tree hammock swing that has been retired since 2003 for Ellie and then to flip eventually. I found a box of trains while we were there and I told Nick they would be part of his birthday present.
We stopped by the Exploritorium to reserve Nick's birthday party. He was so well behaved the lady gave us a pass to go down and play. Nick had fun in the tunnels and is really looking forward to his party. We went to Mom and Dad's house for lunch. Nick and Dad oiled all the trains and cleaned them up - I guess we did good because Dad said some went back to the 1940s and the lot was probably worth a couple hundred dollars.
We came home and Nick played with his trains while I got things ready for Ellie. It was her first dance at the park district. Catherine and Ellie were going together and we were all excited. There were about 3 outfit changes - it was pretty cold out Friday and I thought she should wear pants but she wanted to wear a dress. I did the drop off, we picked up Catherine and took a couple pictures and then I walked them into the dance. It seemed well attended and all the kids seemed excited.
I came home and we had dinner and watched some netflix before Nick went up to bed. Ellie came home and was on cloud 9. They had a great time and are looking forward to the next one. I took Ellie up and tucked her in, we read for a bit to quiet her down.
I am feeling pretty good. Occasional ping of back pain. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I thought About this 8 time last night

Honestly, I thought about posting more than a dozen time last night but still forgot.
It has been a busy couple days around here. On Monday, everyone was off for Presidents Day so we went to see Secret of Arrriety with Mom, Dad, Tony and the kids. We went to Skokie for the first show but 30 minutes ahead of time the parking lot was packed and there were a bunch of families entering. We got lunch first and went to the second show at Golf Mill. It was a very cute movie. Mom and Dad dropped us home and Rob and the kids played outside for a little bit.
Ellie and I went to the library for her check in for the winter reading program. We picked up a pizza from Jets (they won the battle of the pizzas in Skokie, so we needed to try them out). The pizza is good, I am not sure if it is the best I have ever had but it is okay. Nick started not feeling so good, runny nose, sneezing and a bit of a cough.
Tuesday - Nick stayed home from school and stayed in PJs all day. It made for a long day around here because he had a very short attention span. In addition to that, Rob had to tape a game on Tuesday night so I had Nick all day and night. Ellie and I worked on her state project after school. This week was her state bird, a mockingbird. Ellie drew a very nice bird on a orange blossom branch.
Wednesday - I took Nick to school and went grocery shopping at Meijer. I picked Nick up from school and we came home. I did some laundry, worked on our internet problem - it wasn't connecting to the wi-fi network. I cleaned up a bit and vacuumed the first floor. Ellie came home from school and we worked on homework. When Rob came home, Ellie and I went for a check in at the library.
Mom and Dad came over for Mexican night dinner. The kids got so play time and Ellie and Mom worked on Ellie's book for school. We watched the Middle, the kids danced and Mom and Dad went home. The kids helped me in the basement, too. We are weeding out toys they don't play with anymore to be able to put away the toys they actually do play with. We were able to bag up the kitchen play items, some of the play-doh items and the polly pockets. I still need to go through some of their things when they aren't home but it is coming along.
Rob worked on our bookcase for the backroom on Monday. He has the various pieces cut out and we just need to assemble and trim it out in the room. I am still debating how to paint it. I am feeling pretty good. My feet seem overly numb lately but on the plus side...I didn't get sick with two kids with colds at home! Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fun weekend

Another post where I don't have a bunch to say.
Even though it hasn't been very warm, the sun has been very bright and the kids have been able to play outside a bunch this weekend. I made a couple lasagnas today - I was only looking to make one but I had extra of everything so I made one to freeze. Ellie made a cookie fruit pizza this afternoon and decorated it in stripes.
We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. We celebrated Mardi Gras - paella, lasagna, salads, fruit, sweet potato turnovers. Mini king cakes, cookie pizza and chocolate cupcakes for dessert. We all gathered in the living room to watch the end of Toy Story3. Ellie is spending the night at Mom and Dad's tonight - Nick is a bit jealous. Rob spent some time watching train videos with Nick to make up for it.
I tried to get our taxes started this morning. I have most everything I need but every year I run into something screwy.
We hung out at home yesterday morning - Rob was finishing up a job. We went to the library in the afternoon and got a bunch of books and a couple wii games. We did some alternating parent kid time. I took Ellie to Salvation to look for some jeans - the girl just keeps growing. I then took Nick to try to find him some shoes - he currently has a pair of crocs and a pair of boots that fit him. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and then got the kids to sleep.
Rob had a friend in from out of town this weekend - so he is running on a major sleep deprivation. Friday night, Rob worked and then went out with his friend. The kids and I ran all over the place. We went to Kohl's, I had 30% off and I thought we might be able to snag some jeans or shoes there - no luck. We went to Costco and we picked up a couple things we needed to replenish. We stopped in to VonMaur - nothing. We ended at Salvation for some tank tops and camisoles for Ellie.
I am feeling pretty good - need to get back on the wii kick. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The new normal?

Could it be that life is just so "normal" right now that I have neglected to blog twice in a week - in a row? I suppose this could be a positive thing.
I can't even say that I have been very busy. Monday, Nick and I headed out to the Naperville area. I had a couple missions in mind. We went to Crate and Barrel outlet to look for fabric to slip cover a couple pillow for the back room - mission accomplished. We stopped into Land of Nod - I thought I might find some baskets or boxes for the backroom but no luck. I did pick up a couple pillowcases on extreme clearance. We did a grocery shop at the big Meijer out there. The problem no is I am envious of the bigger store because they carry a complete line of vegan options opposed to our local store that only has a handful. Monday night Ellie and Rob went to visit Dr. Gallai, our dentist.
Valentine's Day was laid back. The kids both had parties at school and got to bring treat bags. We had a nice dinner at home. I brought out real glassware to drink our sparkling pomegranate spritzers from and we dimmed the lights and ate by candlelight. We had family movie night on the back couch and we all fit. We watched Mr. Popper's Penguins - a very cute movie if you haven't seen it.
Wednesday morning I dropped Nick off at school and went to check out the new Goodwill in DesPlaines. Very clean store but the prices seem a bit higher than they would be at other stores. We went to get the oil changed in the car and they washed and super vacuumed the car out - loved that surprise. Nick and I did some shopping and came home to watch The Smurfs.
Mom and Dad came over for dinner and we all got to sit together on the big couch to watch the Middle.
Today I was able to find some great things at Whole Foods. There is a vegan food truck in Chicago but it only services downtown. I was able to find a handful of their items at Whole Foods so we sampled a gyros wrap, a chicken bacon wrap, BBQ shred and mac and cheese - all vegan! I picked Nick up and we went to Mom and Dad's for lunch. Jo, Tony and Matteo were there so the boys had some playtime. I had my baby fix. It was a beautiful day today - the sun was out and it wasn't too cold. We tried to make this cinnamon bread I found on Pinterest but it seemed to look better int eh picture than it tasted.
I made a pot of cream of chicken (garlic infused) soup to bring over to Christi's house. They have been struck by some germs and I thought that might help them get better. Rob is filming tonight so it is just me and the kiddos. They are outside playing and taking advantage of the nice weather. I am hoping we have been able to bypass the sicknesses going around. Ellie has had a runny nose and it turned into a cough yesterday but she seems better today.
With the new couch and mattress I cannot complain about aches because I think they were related to the old furniture. My feet seem to be acting up - I have tried to switch shoes to see if that helps out any. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Monday, February 13, 2012

I forgot to blog!

I was thinking I was forgetting about something last night but couldn't remember what. Jumping around, as usual.
Our furniture was delivered on Saturday. In preparation, Rob and I moved some furniture around in our room and vacuumed. We are bringing our old set up to Michigan because it is better than a set up there but we don't really have a place to put the old set. So, it stands against the wall in our bedroom. We washed the floor in the backroom and got the bookshelf moved on top of the cedar chest (for now). Rob helped me lay down and install the carpet tiles I picked up instead of a rug. Mom finished up the curtains and they are all hung and look wonderfully rich. I finished painting on Friday - all the trim is finished. Now there is just some touch up spots.
Rob picked up a game on Saturday afternoon from a friend. The guys came to deliver and were pretty much in and out. The sofas look most excellent in the back room. They were able to bring up the mattress but left the box spring for Rob and me to get up later. The problem with an older house is things were different when they were built...we cannot even get a full size box spring up the stairs. We discovered 13 years ago that the box springs have to be lifted up to the 2nd floor balcony and brought in through the screen door up there.
Rob and I got the sofa bed out in the morning. Lots of awkward moves and lifting - then a metal man came and removed the metal bed and left the shell and pillows. I originally thought the new furniture was going to make the backroom feel smaller but I think the arrangement might do the opposite - strange. Ellie helped me start our Valentine baking on Saturday afternoon and we had movie night ---all together, comfortably on the couch.
Yesterday, Rob took the kids to church and I went to meet a new friend. I met her online in a forum for Chicago, young, cancer people. We are very close to each other in age, we both have children and we are both out of Northshore. I met her for coffee in Andersonville and we were able to discuss chemo and treatment.
I came home and Ellie and I finished up our baking. We packed up the kids Valentine's for school. Nick's hand got too tired to write about halfway through his class list. We went over to Mom and Dad's for Valentine dinner. Mom tried a pinterest recipe she found for a creamy avocado pasta - not bad. We had dessert and the kids put on a bunch of temporary train tattoos. Nick didn't because he doesn't care for them. I held Matteo and he fell asleep for me.
We came home and the kids had their shower/bath and then we watched the first 30 minutes of the Grammys. We got them to bed a bit early because of the weekend activity. It is so nice to sit on a couch that doesn't make your butt hurt. It is so spacious and full of support!
Thursday and Friday were full of a bunch of little things. I finished painting the backroom. Nick and I took a trip up to HOBO to pick out the carpet tiles to make an area rug in the backroom. Ellie went to the basketball game with Rob on Friday night. She worked in the food area with the booster club.
Thursday, Ellie came home with the excellent news of the year...she had made honor roll for both quarters of first semester. There was a ceremony that night - how nice for notice! It was a long day for Nick and we decided that Rob would take Nick to pick up a dessert treat while I took Ellie to the ceremony. I put the camera in my purse not realizing the battery was dead. It was great to see how excited the kids were with their achievements. We came home and had ice cream sundaes to celebrate.
I am feeling pretty good when I think about the painting and furniture moving and how my body could be feeling. I have a slight sore throat but I think it is from the scotch guard on the new furniture and rug fibers. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Can't Warm Up

Monday morning Nick and I went to get our teeth cleaned. Some might remember that Nick's last dental visit was something along the lines of the bankers trying to take Jane and Michael Banks' money in Mary Poppins. This visit was totally refreshing and normal. I explained to Nick that all incoming students to the school for the fall must have their teeth cleaned - I think it worked.
We stopped at Dominick's to get some things for dinner and cooking club. We went to visit Mom and Dad for a little bit and then came home. I got some veggie soup started with all the re-heat veggies in the fridge. Ellie came home and started homework. Catherine arrived and the girls finished their homework up. Catherine brought her guacamole for us to try and some veggie chili for me.
We made cocoa peppermint cookies and Nick helped me with some cinnamon rolls. Rob took Nick to the library to return some books and get some new ones. I made dinner and we had a nice time sharing our day. Christi came to pick Catherine up and checked out the progress in the backroom.
Tuesday morning I took Nick to school and did a Salvation run. Not too many finds - I did pick up a cool baking review notepad and some paper. I picked Nick up from school and we went to Hobby Lobby to pick up thread to match the fabric for the curtains for the backroom. We stopped and had lunch together, a lunch date is what Nick called it. We ran into the dollar store for Valentine items for the kids to take to school. We found pencils, pretzels and stickers.
We hit Meijers on the way home and lucked into winter accessory clearance. I got 3 packs of the stretchy gloves for $1.00. I stocked up because that is what I throw in with the giving tree donations at Christmas time. I picked Nick and Ellie up new snow gloves and hats. We came home and unloaded the car. I was able to paint a bit more of the trim in the backroom.
When Ellie got home she did her homework and then we went over to Mom's for dinner. We brought our soup, cinnamon rolls and fruit to share. Rob had to work at school and wasn't going to be home until late. The kids got to visit and play for a bit before we came home and got bedtime going.
Today was 90% off at one of my favorite thrift shops. Nick didn't have school so we ran up there before going to Mom's. I was able to pick up a bunch of neckties for a purse I want to make. I was also able to get a bunch of wool sweaters. We went to Mom's and we started on the curtains. We were able to get all the panels cut and a couple completed today.
Ellie came home from school wanting to go to the library. I had major laundry to put away - about 10 loads of laundry. I have been in denial. Both of the kids have had growth spurts and their dressers need to be gone through. I got all the clothing put away and Ellie helped me separate socks. I took the kids to the library. Ellie picked out a couple book, so did Nick. Nick played on the computer for a bit while Ellie was trying to find some new books.
We came home and the kids took their baths and I got dinner ready. We had re-heat night and I think we finished off most of the re-heats! We watched the Middle together and then went up to bed. I don't know if it is psycho-somatic or not but it seems our couch is far more uncomfortable this week than it has been. Rob is complaining about our bed, too.
Can't complain about anything right now - nothing really bothering me. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Seems like forever

It has been a whirlwind couple of days. I was able to get some painting done in the back room. I rolled the ceiling and walls and have played with the trim. I didn't know if I wanted to paint it one solid color or two - I decided one.
Tony came for an overnight on Friday night. We picked him up from school and went to Red Robin for dinner and The Chocolate Shoppe for ice cream. I had extra bank coupons so it was a free treat. Ellie helped me move Nick's mattress into her room for the sleepover. The original idea was the last sleepover on the sofa bed but the back room was stinky from the paint. The kids all slept pretty well with the arrangement.
Ellie had a half day at school on Friday. I took her over to Mom's house; they had a baking party planned. They made peanut butter chocolate bars.
Saturday was a busy day. We made pancakes for breakfast and goofed around the house in the morning. Rob rolled a second coat on the ceiling. We all went to the church winter carnival. The kids played every game at least 4 times. There was a jump house, a train ride and face painting. Tony won a raffle and got to take home a Cars2 tent. We came home and played for a bit longer.
I took Tony home and Jo and Ole had picked the kids up some clothes while they were out shopping. I came home and we cleaned up the house. Ellie helped me make a salad and cut up fruit for dinner. While I was taking Tony home, Ellie made banana split brownies. Dean came over with his friend for dinner. We had a nice time visiting and the kids entertained us with songs, dances and a fashion show.
I was matched, again, through Imerman. It is hard because I am excited, honored but sad that someone has to go through it. I had a nice conversation and I think I was able to put her mind at ease. On a similar front, I have made so many connections in the past few days. I am going to grab a cup of coffee with a lady who is local and about to begin chemo. The lady who created Canswear has been great at including me in some of her groups and I feel like the more information out there the better. It is frustrating that not everyone gets the same treatment or information - I realize how fortunate I was being treated where I was.
This morning we went to church. We were the teachers for Nick's group - did I mention I despise glitter? We came home and worked on painting for a little bit. The kids made some valentine's to bring with for family Sunday. We were celebrating all things February. Mom made a pasta fasul soup, individual lasagna, salad, asparagus & fruit. Jo made mummy hot dogs because Nick has been asking about them since Halloween. Sweets were plentiful.
It was nice to visit on the sun porch with the sun warming us up. I got a bit of Matteo time. We watched a bit of the game before cruising home. The kids relaxed and watched High School Musical while Rob watched the game. We got the kids to bed and have just been relaxing.
Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February

It has been a productive couple of days. Today I took advantage of Nick being at school and headed to one of my favorite thrift stores. I ended up with a few bags and a lamp for our bedroom in Michigan. I found teacher gifts for the end of the year and a couple knick knacks for Valentine's Day. I picked Nick up from school and we did our grocery run. We went to Meijer's and bumped into Christi there. We stocked up on the 10 for $10 deals and found Nick's new favorite yogurts on clearance.
We came home and had lunch. Nick helped me continue making advances in the backroom. We washed the windows and dusted all the molding this afternoon. I removed all the hardware from the windows and doors. When Ellie got home from school I went to work getting dinner ready. Rob got home from work and installed some cover-up molding. Remember the backroom is pulling away from the house and over the years we have had to put the expandable foam installation in between the brick and the wall - so we need cover up molding to cover the foam and space.
Mom and Dad came over for dinner. We had roasted zucchini and squash, BBQ pizza & taco pizza, fruit salad and regular salad. Mom made a vegan banana coconut bread for dessert - it was tasty, would have been even better without the coconut. We got the kiddos to sleep and have been relaxing on the couch.
On Monday we hung out at Mom and Dad's house during the day. I did make a quick stop at Target to return the sheers I bought for the back room and pick up every curtain they had on clearance - better to have them and return what I don't use instead of trying to find them in a week or two. We came home and got things ready for cooking club. The girls made peanut butter cookie pops with cream cheese frosting. It was a comedy of errors with Nick on Monday. I had all the cookie pops out on the table cooling and Nick knocked over a 16 ounce glass of water and ruined the first row of cookies. After dinner, as I was putting the potatoes away, he said, "Don't forget the magnet." I looked at him quizzically and asked, "What magnet?" He apparently put a magnet onto the tray when I wasn't looking and luckily, no one ate the magnet that stuck to the bottom of the tray.
Tuesday, I dropped Nick at school and quickly stopped off at Salvation. I found odd things - a little table game for before or after dinner, St. Joseph to place in the yard when you want to sell your house, bags of prizes for Easter eggs or a party. I picked Nick up from school and we went to Menard's to look at molding and pick up wallpaper remover. We ran to Target to return the curtains that didn't match the color swatch.
We came home and ate lunch and I went to work stripping the border. FYI - if you ever need to remove wallpaper, DIF gel is wonderful. While I worked in the backroom Nick took apart his room. It was beautiful outside - 60 degrees in Chicago, in January. We went outside and played soccer and frisbee for about an hour before Ellie came home from school.
I had a focus group last night about kids parties. Rob took the kids to the library and then came home and had dinner. The focus group was neat - got to see what Target might be rolling out. I came home and had dinner and then we got the kids to bed.
I don't know what is up with my feet. I have a couple calluses that are thick and that is where it feels like I have little knives being pushed into my feet. I switched to gym shoes to see if that will help any. Might be time to get a couple appointments with Patricia, it has been a few months. I think I will call and schedule for after the back room is finished - I am sure I will have back and knee issues by then. So, my blog is now linked from another cancer website under the colonoscopy category. If you care to check it out, it is . It is another young adult survivor who created this site and I am proud to be apart of it. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree