Sunday, June 29, 2014

Almost Forgot it Was Sunday

Rob had a day he had to take or it would have rolled into a sick he took tomorrow off and we get an extra day up at the cottage...but it threw my Sunday night off.
The kids finished camp and loved it. Nick won his bridge competition on the last day and got peanut butter cups as his prize. We got some playtime at the park with the cousins on Friday. We met mom, Jo, Tony, Matteo, John, Natalie, and Brady at Castle Park. It was a lovely morning and the kids got to play for an hour. We headed up to the cottage Friday afternoon and traffic wasn't bad. We got up in time for a scoop of ice cream at the soda bar and to watch the sunset. We've had a couple nice beach days, some shopping, some reading, and just a laid-back weekend.
Visualizing my healthy and continually feeling body in the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bye Bye June

Where oh where has the month of June gone? I cannot believe we are about to turn the page of the calendar to July. This week started the kids science camp. Nick is in a future innovators… Making catapults, bridges, tunnels. Ellie is in App Builder... Designing apps for mobile devices. Both of them seem to be having a great time.
It's been a lovely week and the kids of been able to stay up later to catch fireflies at night. Have quite the Discovery Zone happening in the yard. The basement is pretty much back to normal, however, the rubber tiles didn't align when we put them back in. We did our first check in at the library for the summer reading program the kids got to spin the wheel and win a prize.
I've been able to do a couple dozen listings since we've been home. We've reached the slow, slow,  slow summer sales time. Everyone is off on vacation and outside enjoying the weather… Not shopping on the Internet.
Mom and dad came for Wednesday night dinner. Mom brought lettuce and beets from her farm box. I made chicken scallopini, noodles, broccoli and cauliflower, and berries. Speaking of berries… Just learned this week that our service berry tree, in front, is edible. The berries that the birds love, taste similar to a blueberry. Needless to say, I have picked the entire tree. I made some jam and I was able to freeze a bag for muffins when the weather cools off.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Vacation Is Over

Well… Came home from Michigan today. Stopped in on the way to mom and dads to grab something and noticed the basement tiles were wet so we knew we had some cleanup ahead. Didn't know how much until we got home and realized we had to move most of the things on the floor to clean up the black sludge. We are able to pull all the tiles in the shop area and get those cleaned out and only about eight from the play area before we ran out of room. There's always tomorrow. Mom made a nice dinner of homemade falafel, quinoa salad, kale and mushrooms, brats for the boys, and tons of fruit. We were supposed to be celebrating Jo and Ole's eighth anniversary but they decided to go out on a date night instead.
The rest of vacation was pretty much the same, clubhouse for the kids, some beach time, games crafts. Everyone from Arizona left yesterday as well as Dean, Lauren and the girls. We got some beach time in the afternoon before huge thunderstorm came in the evening. Today we just Kinda slept anything cleaned up before we came home ourselves.
Honestly I'm pooped… Literally. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Weather has been crazy up at the cottage this week. When we looked at the 7 day outlook it looked like there wouldn't be any sunshine this week but we had beautiful days on Monday and Tuesday. Monday morning the kids headed off to the clubhouse, Ellie is volunteering as a helper this summer. She is absolutely thrilled. Nick finally conceded and went to clubhouse this year, he is having a good time, too. They have played many games and they have a couple sport/game tournaments this week. Ellie has been invited to teen night tomorrow where they will go have dinner and see a movie. The Arizona side of the family got up here Monday afternoon. Lauren and Dean came up today. Rob has had to deal with plumbing hot water, replacing every part in the water heater and increasing the amps in the electric panel.
We keep watching the news and the storms from Illinois all seem to part over the lake and miss up. We did get a huge storm that passed through this afternoon. The kids are having fun together.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal Tree

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the great dad's in my life...
Thursday we went over to Mom's for lunch. Tony and Teo were there and the kids loved eating together and some playtime outside before Teo's nap time. The kids played outside in the afternoon and we did some cleaning for uncle Edwin. Rob picked him up from the airport a bit before 3am.
Friday morning the kids were delighted to see uncle Edwin again. We had breakfast and played games and sports. Rob came home early to go to lunch with Edwin. The kids and I did some shopping at the mall. We had dinner together and had a lovely game of soccer in the yard.
Saturday we divided and conquered...the big boys went to spend some time together while the kids and I went rummaging. We hit 4 sales in the morning. I found some things to flip and some great things for the kids. We came home and got a salad together before cruising up to Dean's for a BBQ. We stopped at another sale on the way and found 2 bags of clothes for Ellie...all high end designer labels for $10.00. We got to see Nana, and Rob's brothers family from AZ. The cousins got to play and we had a Henderson family basketball game...too fun.
Today we had a slow morning. We read the paper and then got moving on packing up for the cottage. We had the baptism for Sav and Kenz this afternoon. It was a nice service and the girls mostly slept through it. We stopped home to change clothes and pack the car before heading to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Mom made some great salads, veggies, meat and non. Meat, fruit and pistachio cake and brownie s for dessert. It was a great time and I was happy we were able to squeeze all we could into the day. We drove to Michigan afterwards and we were able to make it most of the way without rain...we beat the storm. Pretty much we were able to unpack before the lightening/thunder and rain began. We are up for the week with Rob's family, looks like rain everyday.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

School is Out

Mom and I went to Kohl's on Monday. I was able to find a couple pairs of jeans and a pair sandals for Nick. Mom was able to get some shoes and some clothes too. The kids came home from school and played outside. Although it was a little bit chilly they kept busy running around. We ran to the store to pick up food for all of the parties on the last day of school.
Tuesday was last day! Pretty much spent all day at school. Nick's award ceremony was right before lunch followed by a picnic lunch inside and a little bit of outdoor time before the rain came. We went down to the gym to watch the sixth and seventh grade play the staff for a volleyball game. Followed by Ellie's award ceremony. Both Nick and Ellie were awarded citizenship awards. Nick got the citizenship award for his first grade class. Ellie got the citizenship award for the whole entire sixth-grade class. After school Ellie and her friend went to get their nails painted. We ended the night with dinner out to celebrate.
Today we woke up and got on the road to Lauren and Dean's to watch the twins. Something was bothering their tummies they were the happiest they've ever been. The kids loved playing, feeding and talking to the kids. We did a bit of thrift thing on the way home. Nick got some cool HO scale trains and Ellie found a dress to wear this weekend. Mom and dad came over to dinner. We found fake meat loaf at the store today and tried it and it was most excellent. Mom got her first organic produce box and shared broccoli and lettuce with us. We finished the night relaxing on the couch.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fast Times

Time seems to be flying by in this first week of June but last few days of school. I did some shopping on Thursday. I loaded up in Glenview for the 75% off sale. Mom joined me on Friday to rummage and garage sale. We both had fun and wound up with a couple things. We tried out the new grocery store in Glenview...a bit pricey but clean. Friday night we went to Relay for Life. This year was superhero themed, so survivors got purple capes with a giant 'S'. We got to visit with some friends. We had dinner and cake, walked a couple laps, and the kids played in the field.
Saturday we divided, the boys were picked up by Dad and they went fishing. Ellie and I headed downtown to Northwestern. Ellie had her follow up fMRI and she wanted to do some looking around in the stores. I got a couple quiet hours to start the new book I checked out. We had lunch in the hospital before heading home. The kids played out in the yard. We did a later afternoon run to Kohl's. We left with shoes for everyone. Ellie found a couple pairs of gym shoes and a pair of sandals, Nick has sandals, Rob has new gym shoes, me too.we had dinner at the train Culvers but sadly, no train was running.
Today we slept in but made it to church. The kids played in the park for a little bit after. We came home and cleaned up. I was able to reorganize all my piles of stuff to list. Nick and Rob vacuumed and cleaned out our cars. Ellie worked in her room. We went for Family Sunday at Mom and dad's. Mom had made a bunch of summer salads and ordered chicken for the ones who still eat it. It was a bit too cool for the kids to play outside but they dressed up and had a musical parade for us.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Must've eaten something gross… Tummy is not feeling so great. This will be a shorter post because I think I'm going to sleep. Not too much to share, the kids are ready to be done with school. Mom and I got to go out and do some grocery shopping on our own on Monday. I watched the girls this morning, they're getting big and having more personality. Got some listing done yesterday. Nick got a haircut looks very handsome. Try to pick a tick out of Rob's back, he ended up at the doctors today. The doctor was able to get it all out and hoping on some antibiotics.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Time continues to fly...hard to believe it is June today, that the kids have 7 mores days of school, the summer is upon us. Rob picked me up mulch so I played in the garden and got a thick layer of mulch on the veggies. I got all my listings up for the month of May. I did some shopping on Friday. I picked up another bag of books at Salvation. I think I found some thrifting winners - we will see. I lucked out on stitch kits - found about a dozen. Friday night we went to the end of the year PTA picnic at school. We were able to grab dinner there. The fire truck came and hosed all the kids down. The book mobile was there and the kids got to check out some books. We headed up to Michigan afterwards. It wasn't bad, it gave traffic a bit of time to think out.
Saturday Ellie and I went shopping. It was 50% off at Goodwill and Ellie was able to find some clothes. I found a couple framed pictures for the cottage. We hit some garage sales and other stores. We had lunch in a cute little cafe. We walked downtown South Haven before heading back. The boys were busy while we were out. They cut out all of the dead evergreens and other shrubs that were damaged by the winter. We worked in the house for the rest of the evening. We were able to get the remaining floor painted upstairs. We hit the soda bar for ice cream and caught a great sunset.
Today we did our final clean up and got the air conditioners in. We were able to spend an hour or so on the beach before coming home. We went to Mom and Dad's for a visit. We came home and the kids played while Rob and I took a couple minutes to sit in our oasis and relax.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree