Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Liked the Windows Open Better

Amazing how just this morning we had all our windows open and now we will need to have the air on for, at least, the next week. Ellie had a bizarre day on Monday. She wasn't really herself and I thought it was just her being tired. She ended up vomiting after camp - not sure if it was the food she made, eating too quickly, allergies or what. Jo had bought the kids each a foam rubber band rocket (they go about 100 feet in the air). Ellie and Nick were playing with them out back and then suddenly Ellie was sobbing. I guess she was looking over the rocket to make sure it would go straight up in the air and she moved her foot which launched it...directly into her eye. Luckily, it is foam and we got ice on it immediately. About 30 minutes later she came running into the house sobbing again - this time her earring got caught on the swing and was pulled out of her ear. We sterilized it and I was able to get it back through the hole.
Nick has been super cranky this week - I think camp is really wearing him out. He has been at the pool twice this week and thankfully, he will be on a field trip tomorrow when it supposed to feel like 107 degrees outside. Unfortunately, his family night is tomorrow at camp when they sing and dance.
This is the last week of both therapies for me. I was talking with Whitney on Tuesday and she disagrees with Dr. Schiff now and says she is sure I have a laboral tear. I will see how I feel in a couple weeks and if I am not feeling better I can get a referral to an orthopedic. They would most likely order the other contrast mri and verify the tear. More therapy would be ordered and then if that didn't have success - surgery.
Rob has been diligently working in the yard to remove all the mulberry trees that have popped up. A neighbor down the block has been helping him out - looks great. Ellie and I have been reading on the deck at night and it is great to be outside and change up our surroundings. We moved a couple more chairs up there tonight so Rob and Nick can read out there too.
We had Millers (that is what Nick has begun calling Millietime) tonight. Ellie made some treats at camp that she plated up to take with - chocolate covered strawberries, graham crackers and pound cake to dip into chocolate. I made the couscous salad and a beet and goat cheese salad. We went to Cici's with Jo and the kids last night - might be our weekly plan. The kids can all find something to eat and then we usually walk around the mall. We went grocery shopping at Meijer's and came home to water the plants. Garden just keeps growing, I put beer out in cups tonight in hopes of drowning some slugs.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal. Tree

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lovely Weekend

Ellie and I had a fabulous mommy daughter morning on Thursday. Nick was on a field trip at camp to Extreme Trampoline's and I finally had a day without a therapy appointment. Ellie and I did some window shopping and had a great lunch together. We hardly ever get time like that without the boys and I was thrilled to be able to do it.
Nick came home pretty exhausted from his field trip but he had had a great time. I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Schiff in the afternoon. She had read my therapy notes and did a bit of poking and touching to see where the pain remains. She gave me a prescription for a topical gel (basically topical version of advil) to try since the advil began to irritate my stomach. I can see her again if another pain arises but otherwise I am done with her.
We had a great dinner with Dean and Nana. The kids were dragging by the time they came over but it was nice to be able to visit for a little bit.
Friday the kids went to camp and I went to get abused at therapy. We worked on a couple of new exercises and they were really hitting the problem areas. Rob picked Ellie up from camp and they had some daddy daughter time. They went for lunch and hug out before Ellie's last day of science camp. Nick and I stopped by Mom and Dad's house for a visit.
We picked Ellie up from camp and went to see Brave. It was a cute movie and got us into the air conditioning for a couple hours. We came home an packed up the car and put the kids to sleep. We headed to Michigan first thing Saturday morning for the night. Carson & Natalie, the kids cousins and Lonna (their mom) were up there for the weekend and it was our only chance to visit. We got up there early and quick with no traffic on the road. We got re-acquainted and let the kids run and play. Dean, Lauren and her girls were also up with us. We headed to the beach for the afternoon. The water is still very cold but the kids didn't seem to mind. It was great to visit and watch the kids play together. Rob pulled the grill out and BBQ'd with Dean while we got the salads and fruit ready. The kids had a picnic and we ate at the table - it was cute. We had s'mores for dessert and then ended the evening with a walk down to the lake.
The weather couldn't have been better - we were able to have the windows open and cool air coming in. It was so neat for the kids to play with their cousins because Ellie can't even remember the last time they met. We had breakfast this morning and got right back out to the beach. Ellie, Nick and I went for a long walk to try to collect sea glass - found a few pieces. We cleaned up and got back on the road home. We were originally coming home for the open house for the yellow line in Skokie but realized the schedule might be too tight and adjusted along the route. We stopped off at Oink's for ice cream and walked over to the train store. We made another pit stop at Bass Pro for their kids day. The kids got to try out their archery skills with a kids size bow and arrow and casting the rod, make crafts and sample taffy and fudge. We got back on the road and went straight to Mom and Dad's.
We ordered in El Famous for dinner and Mom had watermelon and guacamole. Jo had picked up the kids these very cool rockets that sky rocket. Ellie wasn't having the greatest luck - stuck in the tree - twice. Happy Anniversary to Jo and Ole - celebrating 6 years together yesterday. We came home and opened windows and the kids played for a little bit. Ellie and I took advantage of the awesome weather and we did our bedtime reading on the upper deck tonight. Poor Nick fell asleep on the car ride home (maybe for the last 30 minutes) but he was up in bed for over an hour and called down to me that he couldn't sleep because he was too hot, not tired, his sheet was off him...he finally passed out.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Man, it is hot!

It is gross outside, no other way to describe it. My garden isn't liking the heat. We've been drenching it in the evenings but the hot, hot sun is brutal. I will have to take pics and post because I am amazed that it is only the middle of June and it looks the way it does. My cucumbers have crawled their way up the trellis. The tomato plants are loaded with fruit and the peppers keep blooming too. Brussel sprouts have nothing but base leaves but I am hopeful.
Nick had 100 excuses why he couldn't go to camp on Monday and with the temperature being so hot - I caved and let him stay home. We took Ellie to camp and he came with me to therapy. We spent some cuddle time on the couch and I honestly think he just needed a day to just veg out. Ellie started paper airplane and flying saucer science camp this week - she is having a great time.
Ellie got some time at Mom and Dad's house yesterday when I went to therapy. Whitney killed me again - I think it is the one machine that starts the process and then it is just a slippery slope from there. The huge exercise ball also is a contributing factor - I have flashbacks to a concussion in my youth. We spent about an hour at the library finding the new batch of books fro Battle of the Books and looking through the old ones to complete the reports. We had ice cream sundaes for dessert (veggie burgers, too).
Nick's camp was inside today - in the air conditioning. Ellie was a baking girl today - she came home with about 2 dozen decorated cookies from camp. I was able to sneak a trip to Kohl's in when Ellie was at science camp. We all went to the pool tonight - so crowded. We ran into Christi and the girls there and we were able to chat and catch up for a bit.
I go for my follow up with Dr. Schiff tomorrow to see how PT is going for my hip/back. My back pain seems to have gone away and my hip isn't locking when I try to get up from sitting anymore. I still have a radiating pain coming from my hip. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Our internet connection was fading in and out last night and I put away my computer and watched tv. The week flew by last week with the kids in camp. They have already completed their first week on sizzling science - Ellie has one more week but Nick is done now. We had Millietime on Thursday at Katherine's. It was nice to visit with the ladies and have some delicious food.
Jo and I had our yard sale on Saturday. Not as much traffic as we would have liked but at least all my big items went. I stopped by Jo's house on Friday to pick up her first load of boxes to sell. Ellie had her own little section of the sale, too.
We had our friends over for dinner on Saturday night. It was nice because the kids play well together and it left us time to visit and laugh. The kids entertained us with their dancing and music.
We started off at church Sunday. It was the festival service for the church's birthday. I like that service because it is outdoors and you sit under the canopy of trees. We came home and the kids just re-charged after a long week. We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Mom had made a real nice dinner - chic'n, chicken, pasta, asparagus, salad and I brought couscous and fruit. Individual pineapple upside down cakes for dessert. The kids played in the yard with their new water soakers and then we came home.
We got them into the tub and PJs and we read books and got them into bed early. Rob and I watched a movie and relaxed on the sofa. I am hoping that this week slows a bit. It doesn't seem that we have a over scheduled calendar but things happen. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Still Breathing

Not too much to share since yesterday. Kids are still loving camp and are worn out by the end of the day. PT killed me yesterday and the home work exercises kept me in check today. We went to dinner with Jo, T & Te...CiCi's pizza. Funny how Nick will only eat pizza and pasta there - seriously, no where else. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All Clean and Clear

Had to stray from my Sunday/Wednesday posts to share - just in case anyone is listening!
Most important news first. I don't know if I shared this or not last week because I was anxiety ridden and sleep deprived but the hospital website has a patient care section that automatically releases test/scan results after a given time. Last Friday, my blood work was released to me. It showed the same low white blood count, a low protein count and the values correlated with platelet and red blood cell space. My CEA (the marker they use to track my cancer cells) was the highest it ever was in May and fell by a point this time - all in the normal range but still higher than ever. My chest CT was released to me last night with no evidence of disease but there was a note stating my abdominal and pelvic scans were read separately and I didn't get access to those results.
I dropped Nick at the pool for camp and Ellie at Mom and Dad's house and made my way to Kellogg. I checked-in and was practicing some breathing techniques so my blood pressure wasn't sounding alarms when it was taken. Margaret came to get me and asked how I was and I told her. She apologized and said all scans were great. I lost 3 pounds since my last visit - stress! Tammy went through my blood work and suggested I might want to eat a, not really something I would consider.
Tammy did her exam and then Dr. Marsh came in - again apologizing for the lack of information that flowed my way last week. I am still on 6 month recall for another year. I got my ativan refilled because after last week I depleted my emergency supply trying to sleep. I got to meet a friend I have known only online at Kellogg. I think I have mentioned that I am a member in a few cancer related groups online and my one friend actually ended up seeing my oncologist. He had an appointment a bit later than I did today and we finally got to physically meet and talk. Dr. marsh agreed that my low blood levels are probably fairly normal for someone who follows a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. He said I could try to supplement with a B complex, A and K - probably go back onto D again.
I don't think I can put to word the tension relief I felt after my appointment. I am a positive person but not having answers freaks me out.
The kids are loving camp. Nick is pretty exhausted when he comes home - far more activity than preschool. I went to PT tonight and Whitney worked me sore. She totally changed all my exercises today and by the end of the 30 minutes I felt like I had gummy worms for legs. She said we were going to really focus on my hip now and I am feeling the focus. Rob took the kids to the pool after science camp and they came home a bit before 6. Ellie came running in with the news that the lifeguard thought Nick looked like he was drowning and blew her whistle and jumped in to save him. I guess a group on teens were playing in the same area and he was trying to get under the line to get to the ladder to climb out and she thought he looked like he was in trouble. Rob had to fill out paperwork and poor Nick was freezing when they came in.
Thanks for the continued love and support. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Monday, June 11, 2012

I Forgot

I thought about this a couple times last night and thought, when I am done doing ___ I will blog.
Ellie finished 4th grade on Thursday. I went to the award ceremony with Nick. Ellie read the most books in 4th grade, had the highest number of points for those books, honor roll and panther band awards. Thursday night we took advantage of my 30 % off at Kohl's and went and picked up summer scandals for the kids (Ellie's foot is as big as mine now) and Rob some new gym shoes.
Friday morning Jo called and asked Ellie if she wanted to cash in her birthday certificate to get her ears pierced - she did. Mom and Dad came over to watch nick so I could go to PT. We all got back home around the same time. Ellie did great, not a tear. She has Hello Kitty starter earrings and is very excited. We left for Michigan around lunchtime. We had a quick ride up with not too much traffic. When we got up we divided and conquered. I went grocery shopping and Rob took the kids down to the beach. We had dinner, took a walk and got the kids to bed.
Saturday we accomplished a ton of things around the house. We had lunch and then spent the afternoon on the beach. We went into town and had ice cream and saw Madagascar 3. It was a cute movie. We came home and the kids played for a bit before we started bedtime.
Sunday we decided to get the cottage into shape before heading for the beach. We were able to get in a bit over an hour before heading back and showering and packing up. We had a great trip home until we hit the Stevenson exchange and then it dragged all the way up to Montrose - blah.
It was family Sunday at Mom's house. We went over and helped before in the kitchen. Mom had meat to bbq, cole slaw, pasta salad and a big fruit salad. We had dinner outside under the new tent in the yard and the breeze really assisted in not making the temperature feel so hot.
I still haven't heard anything about my scan last week. I go for my appointment tomorrow.PT has been helping me with my lower back it doesn't feel the same anymore - hip still needs some time. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

No news is good news?

I went for my CT scan on Monday morning. Scan was quick and un-eventful. The technician decided she didn't really want to listen to me and was sure she could get the tiny vein on my arm. It worked but didn't feel so good and left a nice bruise. I had my blood drawn afterwards. That tech did get me in my hand and it also didn't feel so good. I was originally scheduled to see Dr. Marsh on Tuesday but was called a couple weeks back to re-schedule because he wasn't going to be available. I can't remember why - conference? convention? trip? I also cannot recall for how long he would be away. Anyhow, I rescheduled for next week and didn't really give any thought to rescheduling the scan, too. Dr. Marsh has always called me the night of my scans with the findings - which relieves the scanxiety. I have not received a call yet and it is beginning to creep deeper into anxiety.
I had pt for my feet on Monday and talked to the doctor about how we should proceed. He suggested moving to twice a week and continue doing the 3 panels on my feet. Unfortunately, because my feet have dull sensation didn't feel when the panels got too hot and I believe burned the bottom of my feet. That is all I can think of - they are a bit pink and feel like sunburn.
I had hip/back pt on Tuesday and Whitney really worked me. I basically do the same exercises I do at home and then a couple with equipment they have there. She had me do this one with the huge therapy ball and I felt so out of shape when I had to rest after each one.
Nick went this morning for kindergarten screening...I cannot believe he will be in school all day next year. Ellie had her field day at school today and came home with the news that she had pulled a tooth out "because it was annoying her". The kids are both registered for the library summer reading program. We went to check in this evening and pick up the first batch of books for this year's Battle of the Books. Mom and I worked yesterday and got the last of the curtains hemmed for the cottage.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Another Whirlwind Weekend

Busy, weird weekend in Michigan. On our way up Friday afternoon we got to North Avenue just as Marine 1 got to North Avenue. It was pretty cool to see all these helicopters and know the president was on one of them...not so cool to wait on the Drive as traffic was stopped for the motorcade to go through. I really thought I was headed for the local ER Friday night. We had dinner on our way up to the cottage and almost instantly I started feeling bloated. When we got to the cottage I had the feeling I needed to vomit but couldn't. Rob put the kids to sleep and I tried a hot pad but I had these continual waves of stomach cramps and pain. I went up to bed thinking if I could fall to sleep maybe they would go away - no luck. I had Rob rub my back but that didn't really help. I got up around 12:30 to go downstairs to put the hot pad back on and I guess standing up did the trick because I was finally able to vomit. Sure enough after that the cramps subsided and I was able to eventually go back up to bed.
Ellie woke up around 7:00 with 'the cough'. I don't know if we ate something at dinner that caused this or we had something viral but the boys didn't get sick. Ellie, thankfully, had about 2 hours of vomiting and then she slept until noon. It was cool on Saturday so we really did things around the house. Rob vacuumed out the vents and returns. Ellie washed the floors in the kitchen and Nana's bathroom. I washed the living room floor. We picked up some plants/shrubs at Menard's and did some gardening. The kids took some walks around the park. Mom helped me hem some of the curtains for the cottage and we hung those up Saturday - looked great.
This morning we packed up the car, had breakfast and got on the road. The kids wanted to be home to go to the bike safety program. There was a bike rodeo and the there was a firetruck there for the kids to sit it. The kids both did great and were awarded a certificate and a pair of sunglasses. We came home and I did some gardening - I have 4 tomatoes! Rob worked in the garage and the the kids played with the neighbors. We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Nick has been asking for Chinese food so that is what we got.
Physical therapy has been kicking my butt. I have one session left for my feet. They hooked me up differently last session and I really noticed a difference. I am going to talk to him tomorrow about the pros/cons to another week. I had my 2nd session on Thursday for my back & hips. I was so sore after that session. All my exercises had to be modified because I was having some pulling pain where Scarlett was. I tried on a SI belt but it felt weird and I thought it might do more damage than benefits.
I have my CT scan and blood work appointment tomorrow morning. Scanxiety not so bad this time and I am hoping that might be a new trend. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree