Sunday, December 19, 2010

A bit of this a little of that

I ended up just zoning and watching tv last night - nothing special. I put the quilt over me and woke up to this crazy clock we have that has its alarm set for 5AM. It wasn't worth going up to bed at 5AM so I stayed on the couch. I heard Ellie come down first and she went right to the basement to play. Nick and Rob came down a bit after 8AM - Nick came and gave me a good morning kiss.
We had a slow morning here - read the newspaper, had some coffee, kids played and danced. Ellie was busy crafting this morning and Nick discovered some new Christmas decorations to play with. Knowing that we have all week together I asked the kids if they wanted to go to Michael's to look for some craft and art projects - why yes they did. We got dressed and were on our way and Rob cleaned his car out while we were gone.
We got a few things to do this week - some ornaments to decorate and some to color. I was able to get a heavier duty needle for the wool decorating. We bought a pound bag of rhinestones - it will be the project that keeps on giving and I am pretty sure I will never have to buy rhinestones again. We ran into Lands End while we were at the mall and I was able to get Nick and Ellie new boots (and a cute pair of gloves for me). We finished our shopping adventure at the dollar store - I needed foil baking pans for brownies and gift bags and you just can't beat the dollar store for those. Ellie found a cute headband she wore to church tonight.
We came home and the kids danced while I put our stuff away and broke up the fruit and nut bark I made yesterday. I made my last 2 batches of bark - peppermint cloud and caramel pecan. The one bummer I have run into with cookies and bark is the fact that Scarlett just doesn't get along with nuts and some of my favorite chocolates and cookies have nuts in them. We got dressed for church - it was the holiday tableaux service tonight. Everyone looked so nice in their holiday clothes.
Dean met us at church and we sat together - Ellie right on the aisle to see the stage. It was a nice service - gets you in the Christmas mood with the sights and sounds. We got to see Aunt Pam who just got into town for the holidays and got to visit with other friends after the service. The kids loved their Christmas gifts this year - Nick got a talking pony on a stick and Ellie got a Christmas tree ornament.
We left church and headed to Mom's for dinner by way of some of our favorite decorated houses - this one house has a huge Santa (think car dealership size) on their front lawn and then there is a street that is very decorated and the cherry on top are the neighbors who seriously appear to be in competition for who can have the most items on their lawn. I dropped Rob and the kids of at Mom and Dad's and Ole joined me for a ride to pick up dinner - El Famous.
We had a good dinner together and visited - the kids ate really well. We taste tested some cookies and pie for dessert - the kids munched on their advent candy. We changed out Scarlett who is looking better but the new build up pads they sent me aren't as good as the ones I got from the hospital and kind of burned when Mom was applying it. Mom gave Rob and I warm weather tops for the cold week ahead and a tin of popcorn for the many movies we will watch this break.
We came home and had vitamins and got the kids in bed - I think Rob might have fallen asleep up there because it has been about 45 minutes and he still hasn't come down. I am toasty warm under the quilt and having a mug of tea. Once again, I am feeling great today - I am sad that it takes about 10 days for the cold effect to wear off because I really enjoy cold water and cold yogurt but in the realm of side effects and what could be I will gladly take the 10 days. Visualising my healthy and continually recovering body and the new normal me - whomever that shall be, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Hi T: Wanted to wish you a very very Merry Christmas. I loved seeing the kids pictures - Elizabeth is growing up to be a beautiful young lady. You're an inspiration to everyone - whether they are healthy or not - I don't think I ever had the energy you have. Keep it up! Could you include your e-mail in your next writing? I think about you and pray for you often.
    Love, Kit
