Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

In light of everything happening in my life, I took 1/2 an ativan last night to help filter some thoughts. I fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until Rob came downstairs around 5:45AM. The kids were up at regular time and I got their clothes out and jumped in the shower. I got the kids breakfast and we got Ellie a snack for school. Ellie walked to the bus and was off to school and then I got Nick ready for school.
I took Nick to school and then stopped by Ellie's class to drop off the teachers appreciation gift. The kids all finished the sentence Mrs. Bart is the best teacher because and I put them together and framed them. I came home and did laundry and cleaned up a bit. I had a sob fest - just felt a bit overwhelmed. I went to pick Nick up from school and we went over to Mom and Dad's.
By lunchtime my stomach had started making noise and has continued all day. I left for my very needed appointment with Patricia. I have to say I went into the appointment full of anxiety and tension and left a totally different person. I have my ear buds and have a bit more calmness. Mom and Dad had some errands to run so they took Nick with them with plans to come over for dinner when they were finished.
I went home and started to get more things prepared - I got my clothes and toiletries packed, clothing pulled for Ellie, laundry finished. I stopped off at the store on the way home to pick up breakfast stuff and milk. Christi stopped by with some treats the kids and me and dinner for tomorrow night. It was great to get the love and positive thoughts.
I went to get Ellie from the bus stop and we got some very nice time together. We planted some bulbs from flowers we had from Easter. We visited on the front porch and then the neighbors came home and she was off to play.
Rob got wonderful news today, he was chosen as Support Staff of the Year. He gets a reserved parking spot for the next year and will be awarded at an assembly later this month. I got the rest of the laundry finished and the fridge organized. I vacuumed the rugs and cleaned the table off for dinner. I phoned in an order for pizza that Mom and Dad picked up on their way here.
We had a nice dinner together and the kids got to play for a bit before we watched the Middle together and got the kids off to bed.
My surgery is scheduled for 9:45AM tomorrow morning. We need to check in at 8:00AM. It should take about 2 hours to complete the surgery and I will be in the hospital anywhere from 3-6 days. I am in a very different place than I was 9 months ago. I know the outcome of this surgery and I know this is one of the final steps to the new normal. I am asking for those positive thoughts to start rolling in - power in collective positive thinking. I am sooo hungry - I get clear liquids for another hour or so but nothing after midnight. I just took 1/2 an ativan so hopefully soon I will try to go to sleep. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body, a un-remarkable surgery and recovery and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Wow...just had one of those light bulb above my head moments. Nine months of this ostomy ordeal...nine months for a typical pregnancy. Much like a pregnancy, you're awaiting the end result. You've had the chemo brain, very similar to pregnant brain, foot problems, peeling instead of swollen, nausea, food restrictions...there really are some parallels. In the end, you'll be delivering the new, normal Theresa. You'll then have a few sleep deprived weeks, and before you know it, everything will just be kind of "normal". We are all waiting for the appearance of the new, normal you...we already know your name, but you'll no longer have to use the ol' nicknames of Scarlett or Plum! You are in very good hands tomorrow. You are going into this "delivery" truly surrounded with positive thoughts and tremendous love. Just know we are here for you, just as we were after you produced your kiddies. You already know we'll do anything for you...old or new. We say new, normal, but you've always been so much more than just normal...I know that will always continue to be true! Love you so much...sleep well...see you in the morning. Mom
