Wednesday, May 11, 2011

And on the 7th day...

It took forever to become sleepy last night. It was hot in the house, I decided to wean of the ativan and I just felt like a water logged grape. I finally tried to close my eyes around 2AM and somewhere there after I fell asleep. Ellie came down a bit before 7AM and joined me on the couch. Rob came down and started coffee and then we heard Nick yelling out - he thought he had overslept and was late for his field trip.
I got the kids their cereal and picked out their clothes for the day. Ellie and I packed her lunch and snack and packed treat bags - one of her classmates left for Pakistan tonight so they celebrated at lunch. Rob and Nick walked Ellie to the bus and then Rob drove Nick to school. Nick had his first field trip today - the Exploritorium (our park districts indoor play area) and then to Giordano's to make their own pizza. He was super excited and when asked what the best part of the field trip was answered - the bus ride.
Rob came back home and worked in the garage and to clean his (very dirty) car out. I finally gave in and emailed Dr. Muldoon to say that I wasn't continuously flowing and was in fact possibly on the far other spectrum and asked for suggestions to alleviate my huge gas filled belly. Christi stopped by and I was so happy to have company and distraction. We took a walk around the block and visited in the yard until she needed to pick Susannah up from school. I came in and finished the pear nectar and felt like there might be some rumblings. TMI - I was finally able to awaken my bowels today. No, they did not explode. Yes, I was able to make it to the toilet.
Rob picked Nick up from school and picked up lunch. Our friend, Cindy, stopped by this afternoon for a visit. It was a wonderful social day for us. She had bought me some flowers and delivered flowers from Rob's Mom. We had another very nice visit while Nick played in the sprinkler and yard. I got an email back from Dr. Muldoon saying my "symptoms" aren't unusual after this type of surgery - really? I swear just a mere 7 days ago you told me I was going to basically come out of this surgery unable to control my poop - are you the same doctor?
We all walked down to pick Ellie up from the bus and and then Rob took Ellie for her appointment with Trish. Nick was hoping to get a trip to the park in but the wind had changed and the thunder had begun. I talked him into do some seed planting instead - he helped fill the seed cups with potting mix and chose his seeds and planted them. We made it in just before the rain started. I gave stinky Nick a bath and I used the time to go through his clothes and pull the 3T and 4T shirts out of rotation.
Rob and Ellie came home and I started dinner - Mom and Dad were coming over. It was almost too hot to cook but fortunately the little rain brought some cooler winds with and I was able to open windows and try to cool the house out. We had a lovely dinner together. Ellie practiced all her songs and quotes for the 3rd grade musical tomorrow. Ellie is very excited about this Illinois based musical and she has practiced her songs so much that Nick knows all the lyrics too. I can't wait to see it tomorrow and I bet Nick will be singing along. Talk about last minute - I realized that Ellie needed black pants and a white shirt for tomorrow and went to search through her clothes. The problem that we have is this sudden heat wave we are having. I found a pair of capri pants I had bought last summer but never wore because they were too tight for Scarlett. I had Ellie try them on and Mom quickly tried to take the waist in. I found a long sleeve shirt for Ellie and ironed it. We ended up deciding on regular old black pants from her drawer.
Mom and Dad left and we got the kids up to bed. I listened to Ellie read for a bit before tucking her in - Rob got Nick out. Rob and I have been sitting on the couch enjoying the cool air coming into the back room. TMI - Yes, I did have multiple washrrom trips today. Yes, my butt is a bit sore. I am so hoping this might just be how my bowels wake up and I would be tickled. I am either getting a cold or allergies are flaring because my throat is ultra sore. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Glad your young body has decided to show everyone who's the boss! Fear of the unknown is always the worst...hopefully there is nothing left to fear. Looking forward to "the hot time in the ol' town" tomorrow night. Looking at the forecast, it will be! Ellie is floating...hope it all goes well! Tell her I sent lots of good thoughts her way in the morning. Have a peaceful, restful night. Love ya, Mom
