Saturday, August 28, 2010

What didn't we do today?

Another early to bed night last night - I totally blame the double dose of ativan but I am not complaining. The kids and Rob woke up early - I slept in - its a rare thing and I think it might be the last pre-op opportunity. Rob made the kids pancakes and even left me a couple. We got dressed and were off to the races - I mean day.
We started at the kids bank because the container we use for loose change was overflowing. It always amazes me how much money loose change can add up to - almost $50.00 this morning. The bank has the most delicious donut holes on Saturday mornings - plain dipped in chocolate ganache - yummy. We then traveled to a rummage sale and hit it big time - a Columbia winter parka for both Ellie and me, a riding helmet for Ellie (now both Ellie and Nick have them and I am thinking possible horse jockey costumes for Halloween), Rob got a couple shirts and we filled a bag with kid clothes - all for a mere $20.00. We hit a block sale on our way back home and got a couple more treasures - another Ken doll and some more dress up costumes for the costume box.
We stopped home to refill water bottles and we were off to Skokie's Backlot Bash - a back to school carnival of sorts. We got there slightly after they opened and did the business expo- which really should be renamed church, bank and back infomercial expo but that is where the kids had fun. All the churches had craft projects - sand art necklaces, beaded necklaces, log cabin cut outs and all the banks were giving out either candy or toys. Ellie and I did an artwork postcard at Turning Point (a mental health site in Skokie) - Ellie's "turning point" was when she became a big sister - I kept mine positive and said when I became a Mom. We listened to the band on stage as Ellie did an art project at the library (and got to see her counselor from camp).
We left the bash and went to Superdawg for lunch - I don't know that I ever need to go there for food again. It was just too warm to have the windows down and eat hot, greasy food. The kids wanted ice cream but we were all to full to eat right away so we drove around looking for other yard sales and ended up in Evanston. Our first choice for a treat closed (I loved the Italian Coffee Bar) so we found Crest something on Orrington but that was a bust, as was Whole Foods (I guess all Whole Foods are not created equally). We remembered that a new frozen yogurt shop opened up on Church under the kids doctor office so we walked that way. We had frozen yogurt at 38 degrees - all of their yogurt is either sugar free or made with stevia - it was quite tasty.
We decided it was probably time to head home but found one last yard sale on our way. In the 5 minutes it took for Ellie and I to just out of the car and look through stuff Nick fell asleep. We did score nicely at the sale (all tweens and teenagers selling their "kid"stuff). Ellie found the mini American Girl Felicity - for $0.50 and we got Nick the Cars from Cars (probably out of a happy meal but cool cars nonetheless).
We got home and Rob stayed with Nick while Ellie and I had some girl time. I put on gym shoes and Ellie got out her bike and we took a nice walk to Emily Oaks Nature Center (we stopped at the park but after a couple minutes Ellie said the park wasn't so much fun without Nick). It was nice - just the two of us - we got to sit on the park bench for a while. We came home and Nick was still asleep - so we played wii - also nice, I won some games and Ellie won some.
Nick finally woke up and Rob took them outside to play just in time for my cramps to start up. I curled up on the couch for a bit while listening to the giddy screams of children outside - a joyous sound. We did bath time and then decided to have movie night in the basement - a new concept but one that gives us more room than in the family room. We took a bunch of snacks downstairs and cuddles up together and had an awesome night.
In the mail today I got a nice surprise - I was chosen for a market research study and I got a Flip video camera to tape a couple responses to questions but I also get to keep the camera - bonus. I feel mentally healthy today, however, my butt is really starting to hurt. It is in the three sections that were radiated. It feels like I have done something that would have caused a bruise but there is nothing there. Maybe Dr. Mendoza Temple can work some magic on that Tuesday. It was a fun filled day - exhausting and rejuvenating all in the same. Visualising my healthy body, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Melissa's work is having a family day at the Forest Preserve on Milwaukee and Devon tomorrow so I am most definitely going to Superdawg at some point- even if I have already eaten. Don't diss the 'dawg! :)

