Sunday, August 29, 2010

Could it be any hotter?

I was on such a sleep wave I knew it had to end sometime - last night was the time. I didn't go up to bed until midnight and then I could not sleep or when I did it was just tiny spurts - ahhh! We all went to church this morning and Nick behaved until almost the end (a huge fete because there was no children programming). We hit the park afterward but it was already to hot out.
When we got home the kids and Rob really worked hard and cleaned out my car - my car alone filled 4 bags of books, notepads, toys and winter gloves - very odd. They vacuumed it out and it looks fabulous now. I took a much needed nap during that time. Rob gave the kids a bath and then they played quietly so I could sleep.
It was Family Sunday and I woke up just in time to get to Mom's on time. We celebrated Grandma GG's birthday and my healthy body. Great food today - a pasta bake, riviera salad, Italian potato salad, fresh fruit salad - yummy. The best was dessert, though, cannoli, angel food cake and pistachio frosting and brownies. Since I am back at pre-treatment weight I need to watch it now. We had a lovely time but it not right that it is over 95 degrees at 6:00PM. We came home and spent an hour cleaning up - Ellie and I worked in her room and really cleaned it out. I changed the sheets on all the beds and got some laundry in. We finished watching Shark Tale - our movie from last night and Rob just took the kids up to bed.
Pretty normal symptom day - butt hurts and morning cramps - Rob and I flipped our mattress and I have hope that might help with some of the pain. Visualising my healthy body, Tree

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