Saturday, August 27, 2011

Great outdoor day

Spent yesterday feeling out of sorts. Woke up with a stomach ache that eventually progressed into vomiting. I think this low white blood count is getting old. This makes the 4th time in about 2 weeks that I have had some sort of stomach ache/vomit thing going on.
I feel much better today. The kids and I went to the Backlot Bash in Skokie. We went to St. Paul's rummage sale and scored some nice things. We did the expo and the kids got all their free swag. Reusable bags, pens, paper, candy and some crafts. We won big at the Skokie booth - scoring a gift certificate to Sweetie Pies and to Annie's. We went to the library and did crafts and refilled out water - it was nice it was open this year.
We walked through the classic car show - Nick really like that. We went into the log cabin at the historical society. Ellie had been with school but Nick and I have never been (Ellie never got to go into the 2nd floor). It was pretty amazing that a family of 10 lived in that cabin. We stopped by Sweetie Pies to use our certificate and the kids had opposite cupcake - Ellie chocolate cake with white frosting and Nick vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.
We stopped by Ace's sidewalk sale and I was able to find the kids adirondack chairs for 60% off, butterfly nets for $1 and the kids got their popcorn inside. We cruised out and went to Whole Foods 4th anniversary celebration. We got there in time to have their roasted corn - we enjoyed it on the patio. The store was stocked with samples today - fruit, cake, homemade granola bars (Nick fell in love with), bread, pie, coffee.
We went over to Mom and Dad's to show off our swag. Dad took the kids for a walk and Mom and I had some time to visit. Rob called to say he was home so when the kids got back we got going home. Ellie wanted to go to the pool but there was a cool breeze so we decided to go back to the bash. Ellie and I played Bingo - and won a card. Rob and Nick walked around the cars and played a couple games. We had some dinner and listened to the Smoking Popes play. Our one and only complaint about the bash...only the tents are non-smoking, open air isn't - too bad. We called it a night around 7PM because there was just too much smoke blowing around.
We came home and Ellie finished her homework and then we finished her last book for Battle of the Books. We got the kids in bed and to sleep. Rob and I watched a few more episodes of Nurse Jackie before Rob decided he was exhausted and going up to bed.
Other than being stiff from sleeping on the couch the last few nights I am feeling pretty good. I have been keeping up with my exercising for fitnet (only skipped yesterday). I have lost 3 pounds this week. I think I might have a buyer for Ellie's vanity which will only leave one bed to sell. If I sell the bed we have our house rental in Florida paid for. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

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