Tuesday, October 25, 2011

La de da

Fall is here...leaves are a pain in the butt.
Sunday, the kids and I stayed at home and Rob went to church. I got laundry done and was able to get a workout in before he got home. I roasted all the vegetables I had in the fridge for later int he week - asparagus, squash, zucchini, peppers, potatoes and butternut squash. We had a light lunch before we all went out to Grandma Chocolate's house. We were meeting all the family there for family clean-out Sunday. I finished packing the closets upstairs and Rob took 2 loads to Salvation Army. We were wacky, Ellie found name stickers and put Hello my name is ___ on everyone. I made is my mission to find a hat for everyone. I ended up taking the PanAm pillbox hat I have been wearing for Halloween. We had a toast with some vintage plum brandy to Grandma - it was the 3rd anniversary of her leaving us on Sunday. With the help of some extra hands we were able to move almost all the furniture down to the 1st floor. Now its just a bedroom set up there. My kids had a ball with Tara, Claire and Pearl (and Tony, too).
We had plans for Sunday night dinner but it was late by the time we left and we were all pretty pooped out. We came home and I re-heated some pasta for the kids and I heated up some of the roasted veggies. Rob and I sat int he living room and we were able to talk (un-interrupted) for a long time. We got the kids to bed and were able to relax on the couch and put our feet up.
Monday I had my last scheduled appointment with Patricia. Ironically, my toes came back to a normal feeling recently and my feet seem to be doing a bit better and I am stopping. Patricia worked on my shoulders which were problematic this time. My feet didn't even flinch when she poked them - progress. I went back to Mom and Dad's and we had lunch before Nick and I took Tony to school. Nick was having breakdown after breakdown - I guess he needs some more sleep. We took a long walk to the park and played and really savored one of the last of the beautiful days. Rob picked Ellie up from cooking class which let Nick and I play a bit longer.
I got the mower started to mulch the leaves for pick up but the bag kept falling off the mower. Well, on the last bag attachment I didn't notice the pull slipped out of the guide and I guess I ran over it. When I went to start the mower again the pull was completely gone. I ended up raking the yard and our trees are still full of leaves.
I came in and got dinner started - we had pasta, garlic bread, roasted veggies and applesauce. I got Nick into an early bath and then bed. Rob has been working on math with Ellie. It was nice to be able to relax an extra hour or so.
This morning I was pulling clothes for the kids when Ellie reminded me it was ethnic color clothes day (red ribbon week at school). I pulled a tie-dye shirt for her because unlike the children who emigrate from one country - Ellie is American and her ancestors came from about 8 different countries. I got Nick to school and had way too many things I wanted to do with my 2 hours this morning. I wanted to really clean the tub upstairs. I peeled the caulk off last night and I wanted to bleach the tub and re-caulk it - didn't happen today. I wanted to hit Target to pick up a few odd and ends I needed - didn't happen. I wanted to bake - this did happen just not during my 2 hours.
I was able to pull and start to list my next batch of ebay listings. This was not something I intended to do but when I went downstairs to do laundry I found several things on top of the dryer that needed to be listed and that just rolled into this project. Mom and Dad came to pick me up and then we went to pick Nick up from school. We grabbed lunch and hit Grandma's house.
We were able to fill all the boxes we had at the house with books today. I asked Rob to pick me up some more boxes from work so we can continue on Thursday. When we left we stopped in at Cost Plus and Trader Joe's. We came home and I got the remaining items listed - 18 total this time. Ellie came home and did her homework and then went outside to play.
I got to work with my baking project. A friend had mentioned baking green tomato bread and I have a ton of green tomatoes left. I did some research and found a recipe than I had all the ingredients to make - it says it will remind you of a zucchini bread (which we all love). I was able to make 4 loaves and it smelled incredible as it was baking. I didn't tell anyone it was tomatoes until after they all had consumed at least half a slice.
We had dinner and then we got the kids into bed. Ellie and I read for a bit and Rob read to Nick. Mom and I have always had this evil pain related synergy between us. When I have something bothering me (hip pain, contractions, twitches) Mom will usually experience the same. Well, my left knee (the one that ran into the doorway) has been killing me. It actually hurts in my sleep and wakes me up. Low and behold, Mom mentioned her left knee was hurting her today - I don't know if I am picking up her pain or vice versa but the synergy is getting out of hand. My shoulders still aren't great - very tight and knotted. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree


  1. So...how was the bread? Your shoulders are probably from lifting boxes and raking leaves! Try sleeping with a pillow between your legs to help take the pressure off your knee. If I make it to bed I'll try it also. Thanks for all of your help! Love ya, Mom

  2. Tell me about it and I will ease your shoulder pain....Darn mower always breaks down during leave raking season.....
