Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Growing Up

So annoyed with the internet is completely wonky and I just had my entire post written and it cleared it.
This will be terribly simple because the wonky internet.
Ellie is off to White Pines until Friday. For weeks she has been looking forward to it but she was a bit unsure when we got to school this morning. She had tears and worried about missing us. Nick ended his night much the same...missing his sister.
Ellie had her physical yesterday, she is 5'4". The doctor told us she is similar in size to the average 17 year old.
Have my 6 month visit tomorrow. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. So happy the wellness visit went so well! Maybe Ellie and Nick will have a new appreciation for each other for a few days. Love ya, Mom
