Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

No creativity for the title tonight. Been a couple of wacky days. I am going to see Dr. Marsh tomorrow morning. I emailed Margaret on Tuesday to complain about my hip/back pain and Dr. Marsh wanted to see me. He will do an exam and then decide if I need x-rays, scans or to see someone else.
Nick had a goofy day on Monday - not really himself. He slipped on the bleachers at swimming and hit the back of his head, he slipped on the pool deck a couple times. He didn't end up swimming - he hung out with us upstairs and iced his head bump. Ellie did a great job.
I have been sitting around the house. The shocking pain in my left hip and lower back have made me not want to move around too much. The pain has seemed to get better since I scheduled my appointment - mind over matter.
Nick only has a couple more days of preschool - he graduates next week. Time flies. I have gotten a little further on the castle - we are using ice cream cones for the tops of the turrets. Ellie only has one more week of jewelry club but has enjoyed making bracelets.
Rob has been working soccer games - he worked a double on Tuesday night and he has a double tomorrow. He worked an event at school tonight - the good news is he has a weeks worth of time off now.
Mom and Dad came for Wednesday night dinner and we had a table full of delicious choices. The tastiest fruit! The Middle was finally new again so we had our tv time and then they left. The kids and I got a couple more chapters of Chitty Chitty read before they went to sleep.
Send me your positive thoughts tomorrow morning...I am hoping it is some weird muscular related exercise injury. I saw a promo for the news tomorrow night talking about home fitness program injuries. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree


  1. Positive thoughts flowing your way....Love ya, Mom

  2. Sending love and SUPER POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!! This is just a blip in the cog of life my love.....
