Tuesday, November 15, 2011


No Evidence of Disease!
Monday morning we did our usual morning stuff. Ellie got off to school and I dropped Nick off at school. I went to Kellogg for my blood work and CT scan at the hospital. My labs weren't released so I had to wait. I ended up telling them I would come back because I was going to be late for my CT.
Must have been a busy day at the hospital because I had to wait for my scan. I was brought back to a chair so the tech could start my IV. After checking various veins she went with left inside elbow. She was nice enough to call Kellogg and find out if they could use her tubing but they said no.
I was finally taken into the room and I am a pro at jumping up on the machine now. Reminders of what to expect and then we started. Breathe in, hold breath, breathe. Did that a few times and that was that. I had to fill out a survey form which no where discussed wait time for actual procedure. I returned the survey and was then informed that I should drink water but they are out of their supply. I felt like asking for the survey back.
I went back to Kellogg and my labs still hadn't been released. Finally they were and the phlebotomist got my other side. Not too bad though. I went to Mom and Dad's house. They picked Nick up from school. I hadn't eaten since dinner on Sunday and was hungry. I had a cup of coffee and a roll and then we cruised off to Hobby Lobby.
We picked up lunch on the way at Culver's. Mom had specific things she was looking for at the store and I think we were able to fins most of them. We left and decided to try Aunt Millie's bakery warehouse. We have driven past about a dozen times and we've never been able to stop. It is on Touhy between Wolf and Elmhurst. They carry bread, English muffins, rolls. Everything was still in date and the most expensive bread item was $.99.
We came home and Ellie got home from school. It was so nice outside. Ellie finished homework and then she and Nick went outside. When they came in Ellie and I did wii. We had breakfast for dinner. Rob called to talk to the kids before bedtime.
Today started like our normal mornings. Ellie got off to school, dropped Nick off at school and then I was off to Kellogg. I guess it is kind of like Groundhog Day. Margaret took me back to the exam room and we went over tests. CT scan was great - no evidence of disease. My bloodwork for the most part was great. My white blood count has been trending downward since May. It could be just slow to re-bound, it could be a side effect of the radiation treatments, it could be from one of the supplements I was taking.
I was told to drop the supplements and vitamins for the next month. I will take a steroid the night before I get my next blood draw - I guess it shakes the red and white cells apart. Hopefully, that will show an increase. if not I will need to get a bone marrow test. Otherwise, the visit was good.
Mom had picked Nick up from school and they were pulling in just before me. We had lunch and just hung out this afternoon. Nick and I came home and Ellie got off the bus soon after. The kids went to play outside and enjoy the weather. When they came in they played downstairs while I worked out. Rob called to check in and talk to the kids.
We had dinner and then it was bath time and bedtime. I just got off the phone with Rob. He won a printer in some drawing...I can flip it on ebay for $100. Most of my auctions ended today - not too shabby. I averaged $10 a piece. I did just find another box that was hiding downstairs so I probably have another 50-75 items to list.
I am very relieved to have heard the news I heard today. I don't think I can really adequately put into words the anxiety a person who is cancer free feels when they have to go for these follow-up tests. I will sleep well tonight. I will ask for some collective positive thoughts from you for a couple things: increased white blood count and continual healing. Also, please keep my Uncle Joe in your positive thoughts the next couple days, especially Thursday. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea the anxiety a parent feels when their daughter's CT/blood work time rolls around! We are so delighted that with the exception of those missing white blood cells, everything else is fine. I KNOW that you will find those white blood cells multiplying. In the meantime we have to keep everyone healthy. This is not the time to stress your immune system! Thanks for giving us one more positive thing to enjoy and add to the good list! Sending you many healing thoughts. Love ya, Mom
