Friday, November 18, 2011

Catch up

I know it is the 3 day mark on posts but I am not motivated. I guess it might have to do with nothing terribly fun or great to discuss. Today, Mom and Dad helped me mail off the last (well, almost last) of my eBay auctions. We took a trip down to Oak Park to get this gourmet vegan cheese but when we looked closely, it was all out of date. We did find some vegan things we haven't ever seen at our local Whole Foods.
We stopped into Penzys Spice shop to pick up some holiday gifts and replenish our diminished spices. We found our Maurice Lennell still has a cookie shop of Harlem. While not an outlet, it is still a place to find the good old cookies.
We had a much needed family night tonight. We had dinner at Red Robin and then went to see Happy Feet 2. I have never been in a theatre and had so much kid talking going on. It was distracting and yet, it is a kids film and we could have equally been in the same position. The movie was cute. We came home and got the kids to sleep.
Other highlights...Rob got home from Springfield last night. We were able to have dinner together and a bit of family time before bedtime. I had a much needed coffee date with Christi. She came over on Wednesday and we spent hours catching up. We had out first outing with Jo, Matteo and Tony. Nothing too special...mostly a car trip but we were all out together.
Mom and Dad came over for dinner on Wednesday night. We had a nice dinner together and the kids got some time with Mom and Dad.
I have a sore throat...trying some hot tea with honey and lemon. Hopefully, I will have a more entertaining weekend to write about. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body, a higher white blood count and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. wasn't terribly fun enough for you? We had fun! The weather wasn't the best...maybe you need to start wearing a scarf around your neck to prevent those sore throats. I vaguely remember making a bunch of upcycled scarves last year....time to pull your scarf out! Love ya, Mom
