Sunday, April 7, 2013

Achy, Tired, and It has Almost Been a Week

Short post because I can barely keep my eyes open. Last night we watched a movie and I stayed up late and watched TV. I got up to go to bed and was hit with terrible abdominal cramps. I went up to bed, couldn't get remotely comfortable and came down to try a gas-x pill. I had the feeling that I could vomit and grabbed a bucket and went to warm up on the couch. The vomiting began around 3:00ish and continued until about 8:00ish. Rob came down around 5:30 to see if he could do anything but I ended up sending him back up to bed. Ellie came down around 7:00 when she woke up and sat next to me and rubbed my back. I went up to bed when Nick woke up and Rob ran out to pick me up some ginger ale. Funny thing, I couldn't keep water down but drinking a couple sips of ginger ale calmed my stomach cramps down, stopped the vomit and I was able to get a couple hours sleep. I woke up feeling much better - so strange. 
Rob took the kids over to the Skokie Spring Greening at school. They got all the free giveaways and got to play in the gym for a bit and fly Nick's helicopter. It was a beautiful day and we went to play in the yard in the afternoon. We were able to transplant a couple shrubs and then plant a couple replacements. We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. A very garlicky pasta, veggie burgers, salad, fruit...great meal. The kids got to play together in the yard. We came home and had baths and got the kids tucked in.
Highlights from the later part of the week...Ellie received a principal 100 award on Friday. I finally made it to the grocery store to shop. Ellie had her dance clinic at the high school and she did a great job and had fun. Nick was complaining about his throat hurting when he went to bed - sure hope he doesn't get this bug. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

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