Sunday, January 13, 2013

Very Nice Weekend

Did some thrifting on Thursday. I didn't have too much luck, though. Thursday night was busy...Nick and Ellie both started their after school classes. Nick is taking a sports class at the gym that provides him the basics of 4-5 sports so he can see which he might be interested in taking as an 8 week class. Ellie is back in dance and taking jazz class. It was so great that both of the classes weren't cancelled because they both met the exact minimum needed to fly.
Friday morning I went over to Mom and Dad's house and helped them get all the ornaments off their tree and then wrapped and boxed away. I came home and got all our outdoor lights down and put away. In the evening we went over to Niles North to watch the Deerfield basketball game. The kids got to listen to the live stream broadcast and got some popcorn.
Saturday morning I went to Salvation. I was just looking for some stuff for our own closets. I had a cart full of clothes at the end but my best buy was a small lamp for the backroom. I have been searching for a lamp to put on the it can't be to big. I found this small white base lamp with the cutest shade. It is teal with small butterflies that are cut our of the shade and wings are dimensional. I came home and then Ellie and I went to the other Salvation and found a couple more things. We stopped at Michael's to pick up a couple things we needed for Ellie's school project.
We came home and went to work on building a boat. Ellie had to build a model of an Egyptian papyrus boat our of paper and string. The first one sort of stunk, so we threw it out and started again. The second one was far better and has set sail in a cardboard box with blue tissue paper. We ran to the store to pick up some stuff for dinner and dessert. We had dinner and watched a movie before bed.
Today, Rob went to church. With all the flu and germs out there, I stayed home with the kids. We worked and really cleaned the basement up. We finally got all the presents put away and then vacuumed the floor up. I have done so much laundry this weekend. I think I am on load 12 and because I procrastinated, I had 4 baskets to put away. I think everything is washed now...blankets, sheets, clothes & coats. We went to Mom and Dad's for family Sunday. The GGs called and had picked up some bug and didn't join us - missed them. Mom's theme was comfort food - veggie soup, noodles, grilled cheese, fruit, salad, chicken...good eats. The kids had fun playing and Nick was amazed that Matteo is now walking.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

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