Sunday, August 3, 2014

Back to Reality...Only for a Few Days

I was going to try to post another update last week but I ended up getting sick. I was the only one, thankfully. It started Monday with 24 hours of vomiting, fever, chills, sweats...funky stomach issues the rest of the time. I still am not 100% but much better. I loathe vomiting.
We spent a ton of time on our very small beach. It got even smaller over our trip. The park actually removed the boardwalk and re-installed it further back on the dunes. The kids loved clubhouse. Ellie participated in the beach volleyball tournament. She was a trooper, it was a 4 hour + tournament. She played 7 teams, 2 games each team. She had a great serve and it got her back in practice for the fall.
Did some thrifting/garage sales during the later part of the week. Picked up a few bags of stuff to list.
It was the end of the summer carnival on Friday night. The kids chose to work the face paint/tattoo table and then the bean bag buckets. They had a great time.
We came home today. Nick and I picked a basketful of tomatoes, peppers, and herbs from our garden. We went to Mom and Dad's house for dinner. Mom had a ton of veggies - beets, broccolini, asparagus, summer salad, mashed potatoes...all were great. It was great to catch up and the kids got to share their stories. The kids and I will be heading back up on Tuesday and Rob will come up for the weekend.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

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