Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is this week - time flies.
I have stayed pretty busy with ebay this week. I got a bunch of things listed and it is paying off. I could hardly keep up today, I would finish packaging up and another notification would come in that something else sold. Love it when it is busy.
The find of the week was a bolt of fabric. I bought it about a month ago at Goodwill. It laid in the car for a couple weeks. I took some pictures of it and posted for some suggestions on price. Well...I listed it at 150.00/yard and I have 16 yards. That would be our spring break vacation money!
Ellie had 2 basketball games this week, they lost one and won the other.
We have conferences for both Ellie and Nick tomorrow and then they are off the rest of the week for break.
We went to Mom and Dad's last night to watch the light parade and have dinner. We were there tonight for dinner, too.
Nick helped me get the outdoor Christmas lights up today. We added a couple strands to the mix this year. Nick climbed the tree to help me drape the lights. They look great.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. We'll have to catch up on conferences. Did you happen to find a sewing machine at your house? So good you got your lights up while it was a little warmer. What a change today! Love ya, Mom
