Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March Madness

March is a busy month around here. Rob and I celebrated our 13th anniversary yesterday, Ellie's 10th birthday is on the 15th and then Nick's 5th birthday on the 29th. Add in a couple parties, spring break, conferences and other things that come up and the calendar is filling up. I am going to make this an all encompassing, jump around kind of post.

I have been majorly spring cleaning our house. I was able to have windows open 2 days in a row and was able to air out the winter smell. I really cleaned the kitchen. I re-configured some of the things on the counters and de-grimed the toaster oven. It is amazing how putting things away can create so much room. I didn't mean to but when putting stuff away from the kitchen I ended up organizing the "gift" closet in the basement. It is our storage for gifts, extra pantry items, household items, craft things and bigger serving pieces. Plus all our paperwork and suitcases. I took everything out and went through and organized and realized we probably don't need to buy kleenex for the next year or so. It looks great now and you can actually walk into the walk-in closet again.

Major laundry has been done and put away. I think I need to try the separate laundry baskets to come upstairs again. I spend so much time taking the laundry out of the basket and sorting it out that I think it could save some time. Ellie has gotten very good at sorting socks for me but it seems our single sock bag keeps getting bigger.

We celebrated our anniversary yesterday, a much different day than it was 13 years ago. I decided to make dinner and I made almost everything layers...for the many layers of our relationship. I made 13 layer lasagna, a beet, orange, avocado & goat cheese salad, broccoli & turkey breast for the kids and a way too rich peanut butter, pretzel, cookie and brownie bar for dessert. We had champagne and sparkling cider - in real glasses. Nick picked us a bouquet of pine needles from the park.

Ellie had knitting club on Monday. She started making a hat. Did some grocery shopping and stocked the fridge. Rob worked on the cabinet for the backroom - now I need to find the storage bins to hide inside. I have been able to gather most of the supplies I need for Ellie's science party on Saturday. I registered Nick for kindergarten today - scary and so cool all at the same time.

My feet are not happy campers right now. I have worn my birks for a week now and that took care of the stabby heal pain but now the calluses on the side hurt. My shoulder is still occasionally hurting - not sure what the trigger is for that. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Busy, busy have accomplished so much lately. The house looks great. When you told me you made a 13 layer lasagna, I guess I didn't get the significance...duh! Take your time. I'm sure the shoulder and feet are just an indication of how mush you've been doing. We know that wearing the birks full time will take its toll, but at least you got rid of the heel pain. Love ya, Mom
