Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Vacation, Part One

Vacation Part One has officially began. It is no cooler at the cottage than at home. Plus, the cottage only has a couple window air conditioning units. I apologize if anything is screwy with this post...I am on the iPad and it has auto correct for spelling and I am quickly typing.
Nick and I definitely picked something up illness wise. I started him on his nebulizer on Monday and prednisone yesterday. I have a hearty cough. Ellie seems to be doing okay but she asked for her inhaler tonight. Fingers crossed that we improve quickly and I don't have to email the allergist or worse.
The kids did their last check in at the library and got their T-shirts and coupons. We checked out the books that we could find for Battle. We even found one of the books on disc so we could listen to it in the car.
We have had a pool hiatus this week because of our coughs. Even though it was bloody hot yesterday, we helped our neighbors move the swing set from our backyard into theirs. We had offered it to them but we were originally thinking moving it in the fall...not on the 95 degree day. Our other hesitation was that the rat hole lead under the swing set and we weren't sure what we might find. We worked with our neighbor and his brother to get it moved and it went quicker than I thought it would. I am glad they are able to use it for many more years.
Nick did a study at Northwestern on Monday. It is similar to the study Ellie did last year. Eventually, it will lead to a visit downtown for a fMRI. Nick isn't quite sure if he wants to go all the way through with it but he really likes that he will have enough money to buy the Lego train he wants if he does.
Mom and Dad came over for lunch yesterday. It was too hot to do anything outside so Dad and Nick played with trains and his new erector set and us girls painted rocks. The rocks ended up coming out very cute...I will have to take a picture.
Getting wrist cramps typing this on the pad. Please keep my friend, Eric, in your positive thoughts, he needs them. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Eric...I'm sending positive energy. Sorry to hear you have joined Nick; Ellie,too. I know it's hot, but keep the tea and honey flowing. You could probably ice's the tannic acid and the honey that help, although the warmth does soothe. Wish you had a cooler home base...just a few more days! Feel better...Ole has fallen also!
    Love ya, Mom
