Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yawn - is it time for bed yet?

Once again I think I fell asleep on the couch soon after Rob went up to bed - woke up around 2. Nick woke up around 7 this morning and instead of coming to get us up he went to get Ellie up - poor girl wanted to sleep in. Rob took the kids down and I slept in until 8:30 - woohoo. I talked Ellie into a garage and rummage sale run - success.
At the garage sale we picked up a box of Thomas Duplo blocks - with Cranky - one of the only pieces we didn't have. Ellie got a pair of Ugg boots and a pair of jeans - other score was a wheeled Winnie the Pooh suitcase. We bought Ellie a Snow White wheeled bag about a month ago at a rummage sale and Nick has been so jealous. We also scored at the rummage sale (funny because it isn't one I usually score at). We got a bag full of clothes - some new and a plastic outside gas station for Nick. On the way home we stopped at Junior League and found that all items were 1/2 price today - another bag of clothes and a game for Ellie. It was a great morning - I called from the car to tell Rob to bring Nick out to help - he was so delighted with his gas station and his wheeled suitcase.
We had lunch and then got ready to go to Westminster in Evanston for their Halloween festival - so worth it. The kids began their trip with a trick or treat bag and there were candy stations throughout. They had good old fashioned carnival games, a professional photographer taking pics, a balloon artist, a storyteller, a temporary tattoo artist and a petting zoo - complete with sheep, chickens, llama, cow, pony, ducks, bunny and pig. They had a nice spread of food - the kids loved the cupcakes with a mound of frosting and candy. They got to decorate a pumpkin and take a taffy apple on our way out - so much fun - what a great event.
We came home and re-grouped and decided we had just enough time to do a quick costume change and make it to hear Uncle Joe and Emily play at their church. We were running a bit late but we made it. We had an extra bonus and got to see and visit with Uncle Mike, Tara and Claire, too. Uncle Mike suggested ear plugs and he got us each a pair - apparently it was about to get loud. We stayed for the music and then we had to leave - we were impressed by our family and their musical talents. Uncle Mike walked us out and we were able to say goodbye to Emily and a quick hi/bye to Natalie. It was good to get into fresh air - between holding Nick in his Pooh bear furry costume and being layered myself I had the feeling of passing out and the cold sweats had started. Ellie and Nick got a trick or treat bag and Nick snagged a donut and we went and got some air and I hydrated before we came home.
Change of plans... we stayed home and decorate pumpkins. We decided not to carve this year and just to paint the pumpkins. Nick turned his pumpkin black with finger paints and Ellie carefully painted a face and decorated. Rob got a bath ready and I took Nick up - his poor arm is terrible from his flu shot - besides being black and blue it is like a golf ball coming out from his arm - plus the scratch from the jumpy needle. Ellie took a bath afterward and Nick helped me put in some cookies. Their pumpkins look great, they even decorated the stems. I made some pasta for dinner and the kids watched Shrek and the Monsters cartoons on tv while they ate.
Rob was able to do some costume prep for me and made the holes in the box and painted it for Nick's costume - Harry Potter Lego Robot - don't ask. I told the kids tonight it is absolutely nuts here - some kids get one costume but since we have this costume box its madness here.
I heard from Christi today that Susannah's surgery was a success and other than some eye pain and seeing double she is doing ok - thanks again for the positive thoughts and prayers. I am sitting here and finding it difficult to keep my eyes open - I am so tired it has been a busy, non stop adventure day. Visualising my healthy body and the new normal me - whomever that shall be, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Hope this all means you got into bed a little're starting to follow in my footsteps with this sleeping stuff...don't do it! As I sit here yawning, but I'm too hyped to go to sleep. Looking forward to tomorrow.
    It will be fun to celebrate Halloween and YOU! Love ya, Mom
