I didn't get one response to my naming request - either people are grossed out with this proposition, not reading my blog (which I know is impossible) or simply want to be innocent bystanders and let the "parent" name her "child." I called Mom late last night on an un-related matter but got around to Jules request to name my stoma and we decided it should be a "S" name - so I googled names that begin with the letter S. Originally, Stanley slid off the tongue - Mom got a laugh in originally saying it should be female but only a male would put me through so much shit - hahaha. I started looking through name meanings and there were a few that really just jumped off the page with meaning - alphabetically (of course) Sakura - cherry blossom - this was nice but in truth cherry blossoms aren't red but pink. Salene - dignified one - yeah right. Salus - the goddess of health - nice but not quite there. Samira - entertaining - and that it is. Sequoia - giant redwood tree - well kind of. Sheldon - a town in a valley - well Jen has referred to the area under my stoma as a valley. Socorro - helper - well technically, I guess. Stanley - rocky meadow - along that valley front I think of meadow and there is a big "rock." Sutton - town to the south - again, on a technicality it is south of my belly button. And finally - I know you are all waiting - the winner is Scarlett - simply red. For the first time in public - let me introduce you to Scarlett the Stoma. Also, if you are looking for a laugh - I was on etsy.com ( a virtual craft fair) last night and out of curiosity I searched "ostomy" - I was thinking I might find some decorative bags or belts but no I found this -http://www.etsy.com/listing/44970150/the-ileum-and-the-ostomy?ref=sr_gallery_1&ga_search_query=ostomy&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title - here is the link and I highly suggest it for a very funny look at what the world has come to.
Rob and I flipped back and forth between the Bears game and Desperate and Brothers and Sisters. Rob went up when there was seconds left on the clock and no hope for the Bears to rebound. I stayed up and watched some of the news and then put something on but honestly can't recall what I watched - I ended up falling asleep on the couch and waking up around 1AM. I crawled into bed and fell asleep. Nick and I slept in later than Rob and Ellie but I was up in time to get Ellie's clothes out and say goodbye before she went off to school. I took a shower and got clothes for Nick out. Rob and Nick left for their day of park adventures and I called Mom to see what her plans were. Mom said she would head over in a bit to pick me up - we went to Trader Joe's to do some grocery shopping. I was able to pick up easy dinner stuff for the week. We drove through Portillos to pick up lunch and came back here to eat.
Nick and Rob came back while we were eating and decided to do some Halloween work outside. Rob had some left over wood from the crates that the big tools were shipped in so he cut out a couple pumpkins and ghosts for the kids to paint for the front yard. Nick kept bringing each one in and it was playing inkblots - while it could be a pumpkin it could also be an apple or a clove of garlic - endless possibilities. Mom and I zoned out on the couch and Rob took Nick to the park down the street before heading to get Ellie off the bus. Ellie came in and did her homework and then headed out to paint her pumpkin - they came out looking very nice.
Our neighbor, Kevin - who works with Rob at North, dropped by two huge baskets and a giant envelope "from the people at North." I honestly have no words to describe how grateful I am to Rob's friends at work. There was a humongous fruit basket that when the kids saw it instantly asked to have an orange cut up and another basket with home-made bread, chocolates, candies "just for the kids" with a bag of coins for them, gift cards to a number of different places - it was a Mary Poppins basket - we just kept pulling things out. There was a vase of the most incredible smelling lilies - they are like perfume that have infused our house. In the giant envelope were three giant cards filled with well wishes from Rob's co-workers and obviously his friends - who care deeply for Rob and our family. We are overwhelmed with emotion - this was totally un-expected and truly appreciated.
I walked Mom out to her car and the kids were out playing - we have a wacky situation up the street from us - this man is picketing one of our neighbors who runs a business out of his house. The man is there daily - and so are the police - I just hope is ends nicely and without anyone getting hurt. As the sun dipped down further in the sky the temperature also dipped and it was time to come in. I told Rob I needed 20 minutes to close my eyes - he gave me 30 and even gave the kiddos their baths. Rob started dinner and I got plates out and helped. We ate dinner together and enjoyed more fruit from the basket. Ellie read some books to Nick and Rob took his shower. It was vitamin time and then bed time - trying a new routine but I hear lots of walking around upstairs.
Scarlett is giving me a hard time today - I feel a lot of tugging underneath. I am putting out a request for some collective positive thinking - when I had my surgery I was part of the colo-ring study (this was how Dr. Muldoon "sealed" my new colon. I have my follow-up appointment next Monday and the ring hasn't made its way out yet - well at least not that I am aware of. Any how - the collective positive thinking comes into play because if it hasn't fallen out Dr. Mulddon will be removing it in his office next Monday - with some form of sedation - not sure if that would be lidocaine or valium but I am sure it won't be comfortable or pleasant - so, please if you have a moment to spare on positive thinking - let the ring fall out on its own. I guess if you brain is willing to have one more positive thought it would be to let Dr. Marsh be sympathetic to my emotions and request to begin chemo in a month instead of now. My shoulder is better today but my lower back pain is back - I am just going to stop complaining about that.
Nick has his preschool open house tomorrow morning - he goes back and forth between excitement and telling us he's not going. I am hoping I am not a wreck with tears but its only the open house. Visualising my healthy body, my continued healthy recovery and the new normal me - whomever that shall be, Tree
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