Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I survived my trip around the world

Stayed up and caught the last half of the Breakfast Club last night but fell asleep during the credits and woke up to the credits of whatever was on after. I had the window by my head open and I was cold then hot. We were all up this morning - the rain was intense and then it began to hail. Ellie made it onto the bus before the sky truly opened up. Nick decided he didn't want to go to school again but really was insistent about it the entire ride crying before we actually got there. He covered up his seat belt so I couldn't easily get him out and tried to sit down on the very wet pavement when I got him out. I scooped him up and carried him inside - the teachers worked to pry him away and I ran out.
We came home and I started to prep for Around the World in 80 minutes. I went around the house to collect trinkets from our various countries - last night I printed out flags and maps. I cut up the chocolate and cheese and made the alfredo sauce. Ellie asked if I could print out samples of handwriting from the different countries so I went to do some googling. I decided against handwriting and went to pick-up Nick. He came running out telling me how fun school was and then ran through all the things he did. We came home and I did some more prep for school and Rob and Nick went out for lunch together.
I got to school and set up our food and our trinkets and soon enough the kids were back from lunch and using their passports to travel the world. Kids make me laugh - some didn't know where they were from, some just constantly wanted to interject and some just ask awesome questions. There were 8 rotation of kids and then at the conclusion of their travels they got to feast on an international buffet. It really was an incredible spread of food and to think it just represented the third grade. I had one little boy who had 5 servings of my tortellini and he came back at the end to tell me it was his birthday next month (I'm not sure if we wanted me to make him tortellini for his birthday or what that was about). I had another boy who swore the crackers I had bought to put the cheese on were the tastiest crackers he has ever had. I packed up and came home - I was truly tired.
Rob got Ellie off the bus and Rob left for some time out with a friend - the kids and I went in the yard to play. They tried to rake leaves and jump in the piles but the leaves were all wet from the rain. We came in because none of the neighbors could play today and Ellie did some homework and Nick watched a Thomas video. I tried to shut my eyes for a bit but Nick was relentless in trying to keep me up. Rob came home and I got dinner started - he had Mom and Dad over for our Wednesday night dinner. We had a nice dinner together where Nick shared stuff from school and Ellie shared her word search. Rob took the kids up for their bath, Mom helped me change Scarlett and Dad helped Ellie with her word search.
Rob got the kids to sleep and I am sitting on the couch blogging - I think my ovaries were finally trying to work again and now I am torturing them with xeloda - I have zits, hormones and huge pelvic pain. I guess we will see what has stronger will and power. 2nd xeloda day and no complications - just a bit tired but I think that was activity level. Visualising my healthy body, my non-remarkable xeloda course and the new normal me - whomever that shall be, Tree

1 comment:

  1. T... Did you hear about your scan yet? Can't wait to see you in a week! J
