Sunday, February 5, 2012

Seems like forever

It has been a whirlwind couple of days. I was able to get some painting done in the back room. I rolled the ceiling and walls and have played with the trim. I didn't know if I wanted to paint it one solid color or two - I decided one.
Tony came for an overnight on Friday night. We picked him up from school and went to Red Robin for dinner and The Chocolate Shoppe for ice cream. I had extra bank coupons so it was a free treat. Ellie helped me move Nick's mattress into her room for the sleepover. The original idea was the last sleepover on the sofa bed but the back room was stinky from the paint. The kids all slept pretty well with the arrangement.
Ellie had a half day at school on Friday. I took her over to Mom's house; they had a baking party planned. They made peanut butter chocolate bars.
Saturday was a busy day. We made pancakes for breakfast and goofed around the house in the morning. Rob rolled a second coat on the ceiling. We all went to the church winter carnival. The kids played every game at least 4 times. There was a jump house, a train ride and face painting. Tony won a raffle and got to take home a Cars2 tent. We came home and played for a bit longer.
I took Tony home and Jo and Ole had picked the kids up some clothes while they were out shopping. I came home and we cleaned up the house. Ellie helped me make a salad and cut up fruit for dinner. While I was taking Tony home, Ellie made banana split brownies. Dean came over with his friend for dinner. We had a nice time visiting and the kids entertained us with songs, dances and a fashion show.
I was matched, again, through Imerman. It is hard because I am excited, honored but sad that someone has to go through it. I had a nice conversation and I think I was able to put her mind at ease. On a similar front, I have made so many connections in the past few days. I am going to grab a cup of coffee with a lady who is local and about to begin chemo. The lady who created Canswear has been great at including me in some of her groups and I feel like the more information out there the better. It is frustrating that not everyone gets the same treatment or information - I realize how fortunate I was being treated where I was.
This morning we went to church. We were the teachers for Nick's group - did I mention I despise glitter? We came home and worked on painting for a little bit. The kids made some valentine's to bring with for family Sunday. We were celebrating all things February. Mom made a pasta fasul soup, individual lasagna, salad, asparagus & fruit. Jo made mummy hot dogs because Nick has been asking about them since Halloween. Sweets were plentiful.
It was nice to visit on the sun porch with the sun warming us up. I got a bit of Matteo time. We watched a bit of the game before cruising home. The kids relaxed and watched High School Musical while Rob watched the game. We got the kids to bed and have just been relaxing.
Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all of your help today...having a head start on the dishes and food storage is wonderful! I'm so glad that you're part of have your thoughtful and level headed advise in the face of such overwhelming stress is such a great gift. You (we) were so fortunate that you had such a wonderful team of doctors, support staff, and caregivers to help you through your journey. Now you are one of the important team players for those you are matched with...beautiful! Love ya, Mom
    P.S. We can get your curtains done this week if you want. We'll need a quick trip to the fabric store for matching thread if I don't have anything close enough.
