Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Wednesday and I Remembered

Nick and I hung out with Jo on Monday. Jo's maternity leave ends next week and sh will go back to work. She is breaking the boys into the new pattern, so she was flying solo while Mom and Dad had the boys. We went shopping at Target and I found such awesome, weird clearance. I got keifer for $.54 a bottle, shampoo was 75% off & socks. We went to Whole Foods and did a bit of shopping but also got lunch.
Jo dropped us at home. I set Nick up watching a movie and went to workout. Ellie had her first knitting club get together at Christi's. I took her over after school. Rob played with Nick for a long time - it is nice when we get one on one time with each of the kids. I made a delish bbq shred, roasted pepper & onion pizza. The new Fresheta pizza crusts are very tasty. I picked Ellie up from Christi's, Rob gave Nick a bath and then we got the kids into bed.
Yesterday I dropped Nick off at school and went over to Christi's. We got her signed up on ebay and tried to list a couple things she wanted to sell. Time flies when you are having fun because soon enough it was time to pick Nick up from school. Nick didn't feel like doing anything so we came home. We had a laid back day playing with trains, reading books and watching Netflix. When Ellie got home from school we did homework. Rob got home and I took Ellie to the library for her last check in. It is pretty cool, since she finished the program, we are invited to a private party at the library this weekend - after hours. We came home and I made breakfast for dinner. I was going to try these sweet potato latkes that I saw on Pinterest but after I shredded all the sweet potatoes I kinda lost interest in any more steps. I ended up making them into hash browns and I thought they were pretty good. We had eggs and fruit and toasted Irish soda bread. Ellie took a quick shower and then we went to work with math and reading and bedtime. Rob and I were able to watch Parenthood on the sofa. I could not warm up, though.
Today I went grocery shopping while Nick was at school. I picked him up and we went to the bank for a quick deposit before dropping the groceries at home. We went over to Mom and Dad's to play with Tony and Matteo. Mom made the boys lunch and then T was off to school. I got some stellar playtime in with Matteo - incredible how babies grow everyday. We had lunch and Dad took Nick outside to play, it was gorgeous out this afternoon. Nick asked if he could stay and come home with Mom and Dad when they came for dinner and was told he could. I came home and started dinner. I made a vegetable pasta bake, corn pudding, fruit and ham and Mom brought a salad and dessert.
Dinner was good and the kids had some extra time to play games before we watched the Middle. I got laundry loads flipped and the kids into PJs before we sat down. Mom and Dad left and we got the kids to bed.
I have had some body breakdowns the past couple days. My left shoulder has a deep pain. I am not sure where it came from because I don't wake up with it, it develops over the day. It is bad enough I cannot turn my head all the way left. I also have this stabbing pain in my heal on my left foot. I was telling Mom about it and she suggested wearing my Birkenstocks for a couple days. I haven't worn them all winter and she was right - 24 hours in Birks and my heal pain is gone. Little bit of lower back pain, too. Maybe its the weather. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a delish dinner. Glad the birks helped...if it is the first threat of a spur or my dreaded heel stuff, the birks will prevent it from progressing and the tendon stretches and before you know it...pain gone, Do you guys need new pillows now that you're sleeping on a new mattress? Sometimes a non-supportive pillow will do that to my neck and shoulder. Let me know...your anniversary is right around the corner. I'd be happy to take care of that! We'll talk tomorrow. Love ya, Mom
