Chemo brain - I know I was down on the couch for a bit last night because the steroids kicked in and I was up. This morning we got dressed and went down for breakfast. I fixed Ellie some eggs and Nick a bagel. Ellie was way less nervous this morning and was already practicing her breathing at breakfast. Ellie packed some snacks for today and was on her way to the bus.
Nick and I got ready for preschool - it is circus week and he has been excited. Christi and I had pans to get together for coffee time this morning. So wonderful catching up for a bit before I got a call from Mom who had received a call from school that Nick had an accident and needed a change of clothes brought over. So, our visit was cut short but still great to visit for a bit - it had been too long.
I stopped home and picked up clothes for Nick and then went to school to change him. He was waiting for me eating his snack and wanted to leave with me but I convinced him he wanted to stay. I had about 30 minutes until I had to be back to pick him up so I ran over to Tuesday Morning and Half Price Books - found a couple things. I went back to pick up Nick and he was happy he stayed - they had showed the kids some string tricks and played with balloons.
We went over to Mom's house to play with Tony and have some lunch. The boys played with the new kitchen and had their drinks at the table. Mom and I changed Scarlett out - on the verge of being un-happy. Mom and I fixed lunch for all of us - the boys ate lunch while watching Busy Town - a new dvd from Half Price Books. I fell asleep in the glider after lunch and Mom took the boys out the porch to play. I woke up in time to pack up and get Ellie from the bus.
Ellie said she had a good testing day and tomorrow they get to have an impromptu party to relieve the testing tension. The kids played with the big cardboard box until Rob came home and then they went downstairs and I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up in time to make dinner - Ellie was my helped because my hands are super sensitive today. Ellie washed and cut up the fruit and then got the food out of the freezer for me. We had pizza and bbq chicken strips, fruit salad and veggies for dinner. The kids ate their taffy apples for dessert and then we went up to bed. Rob started with Ellie and I with Nick and then we switched so I could chill out of the couch.
I am a bit nauseated right now - just took an ativan so hopefully the wave will pass soon. I have taken a couple pictures to share on the next few blogs - the one tonight is of me with my friend - the IV pump. My hands and feet have begun to shed - my hands never did this before and the skin on the bottom of my entire big toe peeled off today. On the bright side my mouth and gums aren't hurting do badly. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal - coming soon, Tree
Official end of chemo tomorrow...let's hear a collective Woohoo! Hopefully you'll revitalize nicely and feel stronger and stronger as each day passes. We love you and we're so happy this phase of your recovery is coming to an end. Here's to you, here's to the rebirth that comes with springtime! Love ya, Mom