I should have wrote this before I went into my sleep coma - I told Rob I was closing my eyes for a bit around 9PM and I just woke up and its 11:15PM. Ellie was up super early because Nick and I were up early and she was already dressed and downstairs. Nick and I got dressed and joined her. I got Nick a yogurt and put on some water for tea. We got Ellie packed up for school - she was bringing a tub of cookies with for school party today.
While getting Ellie ready for the bus, Nick was yelling he needed more food. Ellie got off to the bus and I made Nick a bagel with cream cheese. I gave Mom a call to let her know my plans and then Nick and I were on the way to school. I dropped Nick and then went over to Mom's house to play with T for a bit. We had a fun little bit without Nick there and then I helped Mom get Tony bundled and into the car and loaded nick's booster seat - Mom was picking up Nick while I went for my last disconnect.
My pump emptied ultra fast this time - it is heat sensitive so I guess I must have been running hot the last 2 days. It was empty when I woke up this morning and it usually has 3 more meter marks to go. Grace was doing my disconnect but I got to say hi and hooray to Sally, Deb, Janet, Margaret and Lori. Grace told me how sensitive my skin is - I think this has been a new development over the last 5 months. We did my disconnect and I got my last neulasta shot and I was on my way out, doing a happy dance to the car.
I picked up lunch on the way back to Mom's and we all had a nice lunch on the porch. I did get the best hug ever from Nick when I arrived home and Mom announced I was all done with the pump and needle forever. He ran up to me and asked if I could hold him again and I said yes. It brought very painful tears to my eyes. Somehow the nerves involved in tear production are extremely painful during chemo week - I physically have to place pressure on my entire eye if i tear up. The boys played with the kitchen for a bit but then we went in in hope of having family nap time to Bambi - didn't happen.
Nick and I came home to get Ellie and to give Tony some time to nap. Nick was very happy to show Ellie all his stuff from circus week at school. They played nice for a while, nice enough I was able to run up and take a shower. My feet were beyond cold and I couldn't warm them up but I thought the shower might do the trick and it did. I couldn't get all the adhesive off from the dressing because when I attempted to help it off with my nail I was peeling up a layer of skin - maybe I will try rubbing alcohol tomorrow. When I was putting on my socks I noticed the skin on my other big toe and other toes shedding off in sheets. What I know from this past summer is they will shed off in layers - toes not so bad but when it gets to the bottom of my feet the layers come off before the new skin is ready.
Rob called and was stuck at school for a while so we waited for him to go back to Mom's - we were celebrating Last Chemo Day and the end of Ellie's isats. Ellie helped me make some cookies for dessert. We left for Mom's when Rob got home. Ellie loved the new kitchen and immediately went to play. Dad brought home dinner from West of Edens and Jo, Ole and T stayed for dinner to celebrate. Mom made a huge sign - that will be a pic for my post tomorrow. It is great to be done - it was freeing not to have to take my oh so fashionable fanny pack with me when I left today.
The picture today is my beloved pump. You can kind of see that there is a inflated balloon inside. When I got the pump on Tuesday it was loaded with approximately 46 hours of 5-FU which is delivered via Plum and I would have a heat sensor taped to my chest to ensure timely delivery. I would carry the pump in a very fashionable blue fanny pack. Today, I feel like my throat is closing - a bit swollen. My hands and feet are extremely sensitive and my hands are actually painful. I have had a on/off headache and then the minor aches that come with the neulasta shot. Even with the claritin the actual shot is painful and causes my arm to hurt for the first couple hours.
I am ready for life to resume again - let March madness begin - our 12th anniversary, Ellie and Nick's birthdays and no more doctor visits. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal - grand opening 3/3/11, Tree
Love you...Mom