Sunday, June 1, 2014


Time continues to fly...hard to believe it is June today, that the kids have 7 mores days of school, the summer is upon us. Rob picked me up mulch so I played in the garden and got a thick layer of mulch on the veggies. I got all my listings up for the month of May. I did some shopping on Friday. I picked up another bag of books at Salvation. I think I found some thrifting winners - we will see. I lucked out on stitch kits - found about a dozen. Friday night we went to the end of the year PTA picnic at school. We were able to grab dinner there. The fire truck came and hosed all the kids down. The book mobile was there and the kids got to check out some books. We headed up to Michigan afterwards. It wasn't bad, it gave traffic a bit of time to think out.
Saturday Ellie and I went shopping. It was 50% off at Goodwill and Ellie was able to find some clothes. I found a couple framed pictures for the cottage. We hit some garage sales and other stores. We had lunch in a cute little cafe. We walked downtown South Haven before heading back. The boys were busy while we were out. They cut out all of the dead evergreens and other shrubs that were damaged by the winter. We worked in the house for the rest of the evening. We were able to get the remaining floor painted upstairs. We hit the soda bar for ice cream and caught a great sunset.
Today we did our final clean up and got the air conditioners in. We were able to spend an hour or so on the beach before coming home. We went to Mom and Dad's for a visit. We came home and the kids played while Rob and I took a couple minutes to sit in our oasis and relax.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

1 comment:

  1. Perfect night for the'll have to tell me how nice it is! Love ya, Mom
