Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Winner, Winner

Not too much to share tonight. I had a wonderful surprise yesterday afternoon when the UPS man delivered a box. He carried it to the door and told me it was too heavy for me. I had him put it inside and I looked at the was for me! Long story made short...I won 67 pounds of handmade soap. I have been buying soap from The Soap Guy for about 8 years now. He is a local artisan and makes incredible soap. I have ordered for parties, gifts and our own use. He has contests all the time and I won his Facebook Friday contest...24 loaves of handmade soap. I was like a kid Christmas morning opening my boxes and smelling each scent. This was so timely, too, because I like to include a sample size soap with my ebay purchases. It keeps the clothing smelling nice and it is something that sets me apart from other sellers. Now, I have like a years supply of soap!
I did my thrift run on Monday. I started at Unique and found some nice new clothes to flip. I went to Avenues and lucked out with some Christmas items. I have been listing items each day and have a couple items being sold each day. 
We found a local Chinese restaurant we finally like. We have tried local ones and they always have something we don't like - flavor, price, texture. We tried Happy Chef and really liked it all. The selection, flavor, price - they are a winner. 
Ellie and Nick were able to see a magic show tonight while I attended some informational sessions at school. They really enjoyed it. Rob is working late a few night this week. 
I am asking for positive thoughts for our friend, Rosie. She has been at the hospital since Friday and has been getting extremely strong chemo and has full body radiation tomorrow. Her bone marrow transplant will be on Friday. 
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree

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