Busy, busy, busy. My time has been consumed by ebay. I had 100 items listed last week so they are all closing this week. I shipped out about 50 today and I am waiting for payment on the others. I am also starting my next batch of listings. Hey, it is the best of both worlds - I get to go shopping and I get to make money.
Friday, Tony and I had another fun morning. We went to a couple garage sales and then to have lunch.
The weekend in Michigan was fun. We went up after school on Friday and Stayed until Monday. Dean, Lauren and the girls joined us on Saturday. We were able to get in some beach time, a couple cones at the Soda Bar and mini golf and go-carts. The kids all played well together and we were able to use a bunch of things up from the fridge. Ellie was able to show Nana her knitting and get some pointers. Nana is now safely back in Florida.
The kids both went to Northwestern last night to continue their studies. Both of them are doing great. I was able to get about half of my book read while I was waiting for them to finish.
Mom and Dad came for dinner tonight. We had bbq shred pizzas, a salad, melon, beets & pierogi. We watched an episode on DC Cupcakes and then got the kiddos into bed.
Not too much else to share. Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree
Great pic...busy week! Do you know how much I love you? Mom