Friday morning I dropped nick off at Mom's house and went for my mri. I am not claustrophobic but I have to tell you - that machine makes even those who aren't converts. Very tight quarters. The test itself took about an hour and a half. I was secured to a table and my feet were taped together so my hips aligned the right way. The test involves a very loud thumping sound and then I had with/without contrast so after all the initial images were taken they were taken again with contrast.
I went back to Mom and Dad's and we had lunch and just relaxed. Ellie had a dance on Friday night - she went with Catherine. Rob, Nick and I went for dinner and then a quick trip to Target and Menards. Dr. Marsh called me with the mri results - I have a tear/rip in the cartilage in my left hip and fluid build up around that area. I have wear on my sacroiliac joints. I have radiation damage on my sacrum. I am glad nothing is broken...I have a message into my gp for a referral for physical therapy.
Saturday morning, Ellie and I went downtown to Northwestern for her mri. The study Ellie is involved in at Northwestern continues. Ellie did great and I have an added appreciation for what she went through. We walked over to American Girl afterwards and Ellie got Kit's ears pierced with the money she earned from the study. We had lunch and then cruised home. We stopped by Mom and Dad's and Ellie showed them the pictures of her brain and then she stayed with them for the afternoon.
Nick and Rob had been playing all morning. I passed out on the couch for hours. I think I had scanxiety and I finally could rest. We had leftovers for dinner and just a low key night. I had some sort of stomach yuck going on - could have been from the contrast from the test or bad food.
Rob took the kids to church this morning and I got some cleaning done around the house. We worked a little bit on the castle today - almost done. We went to Mom's house for Family Sunday. We had a Cinco de Mayo celebration with tasty food. We came home and Ellie and I worked on the castle some more. We got the kids ready for bed and then watched our Sunday tv.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree
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