I totally meant to blog last night and then I forgot. I am going to jump around because there is so important stuff and some mundane.
Friday morning Mom called me early to let me know that Jo and Ole were at the hospital. Jo was having regular contractions. I took a shower and woke Nick up. We got dressed and went to Mom and Dad's. I dropped Nick off and then went to join Jo and Ole. Jo was scheduled to have Pooka next Friday but he must have heard me the other night saying it was ok to come out and play.
I got to spend about an hour with Jo before she went to the OR. I went and told our friend, Kate, about Jo. Kate works at the hospital and is like our second mom. Ole's parents were waiting in the lobby so I joined them. It only took about 40 minutes before I received 2 texts. The first of Pooka and the second of the three of them. The magic age of technology. I was able to text back for details. Matteo Mecias, 8# 2oz was born at 10:50AM.
Ole wasn't able to come out to talk to us for about another hour or so. I was the first to be able to go back. Matteo is gorgeous. Nice round cheeks and so soft. Jo was having trouble with shaking and couldn't stop it enough to hold Matteo yet. I went to Mom and Dad's house to pick Nick up.
I helped Mom with a print project and then we came home. Nick and I went to pick Tony up from school and then hurried home to get Ellie from the bus. Ellie said she knew Pooka had arrived when she saw Tony at our house.
When Rob got home from work, I took Tony up to the hospital to meet Matteo. Rob took the kids to go get a scoop of ice cream from the ice cream shop. Tony is in the question stage of being 3. Every questions is followed immediately by another why question. We got the hospital and walked to Jo's room. Mom and dad were there and Tony got to meet his brother. I got to visit with Matteo a bit more, he was awake. Tony got to hold Matteo for a bit.
We left and were going to meet up with Rob and the kids for dinner out but Tony decided he would rather have noodles at my house. I called Rob and had him start dinner and we stopped off to pick up some milk and fruit. We ate dinner and watched a movie. The kids played for a bit before we got PJs on and made our beach in the living room. We took the pillows off the couch and lots of blankets from upstairs and made a beach on the living room floor. With all the excitement it didn't take long before all the kids were asleep.
Nick made it until about 4:45AM on the floor before going up to bed. Tony came to find me about 30 minutes after Nick left. Tony made a request for pancakes for breakfast. I made them the way I always make them - chocolate chip banana. Tony is a purist and only likes plain pancakes. The kids had a bath and we got dressed - the advantage on having boys a year apart - we always have hand me downs available. They played with play-doh, legos and trains. When Rob got home we all ate lunch together. I made a batch of cookies to take up to Jo.
Tony and I left to go to the hospital and Rob and the kids started working on leaves outside. Jo had showered and was sitting on the glider when we arrived. I stole Matteo right away. He was ever more perfect the second day - beautiful color to his skin and ever so smooth. I got to take the first walk with the Flores family. They walked me to the elevator and then I said goodbye.
I came home and Rob and the kids had been working on leaves. Most of our trees have finally dropped their leaves. They did the grass in the backyard and had brought all the leaves up to the front. I asked Rob to take down the fencing around my garden beds and that led to me raking. I raked out all the garden beds and we did the patio. I got the fire pit out and we started a fire with all the left over wood from the garage. I brought out s'mores making stuff and we make s'mores for the kids and all their friends. I trimmed all the tree branches that rub against the windows in the back room. We have some incredibly huge piles of leaves in front of our house now. We ended the day outside playing with the grand kids from 2 doors down.
We came in and I went to exercise while Rob got the kids into a bath. I tried to make dinner easy by mentioning it was Grecian Kitchen's customer appreciation day and that there were cheap eats. Rob went to go pick up food and called me 45 minutes later saying he was still waiting. Dinner was good and we all enjoyed it. We watched Beauty and the Beast and ate our dinner. I ended up going upstairs with Ellie to read and Rob and Nick finished watching the movie. The kids were out to sleepyland pretty quickly after a day outside.
Back in time....Thursday. Nick went to school and I came home and did some cleaning. I got some packages ready to ship out. I picked Nick up from school and we went to the post office to mail the packages. We came home and had lunch and then Mom and Dad picked us up to head out to Grandma Chocolate's. Dad and I worked in the garage while Mom worked in the kitchen. We were able to make some significant progress before coming home.
When Ellie and Rob got home we were off to the circus. We went to Culver's for dinner and then over to Allstate to see the show. We got there ahead of time and were able to go down onto the floor and visit with the performers. We had great seats and Rob was chosen by a clown to throw a frisbee down to the floor from our seats. This was the first year that Nick actually laughed out loud when he saw things he thought were funny. The family in front of us were extremely cool and bought the kids clown noses. It was a great show, highly entertaining, we recommend it. We came home and the kids fell asleep quickly.
It has been a very adventurous start to my 36th year - non stop action. I read my detailed numerology report for this upcoming year and I think this will be the year to really start the ball rolling for my play cafe. I know where I want to open up and I can visualize how I want it to look - just need to get a business plan together. I am feeling pretty good. What is bothersome is directly related to something I have down - raking, exercising - that sort of thing. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree
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