Friday, April 1, 2011
April fools - Oh crap - literally
This post falls into the TMI (too much information) category and it is 100% honest no joking here. So I woke up this morning and Scarlett's bag was puffed out to full capacity. I thought it was a bit odd but didn't really give it too much thought. I have eaten an apple at midnight and I don't usually eat that late. All morning long I had gas pain but lower than Scarlett - not possible or is it? I got the kids dressed and then we headed off to Dr. Swider for their physicals. Everyone is healthy and growing leaps and bounds - Ellie is 4'9" and Nick is 3'5" tall. Nick was due for a few shots and we decided to split them up - some today and some next year. Ellie told him he was getting shots and he freaked out. They also did an eye exam and suggested we go see an optometrist because Nick couldn't make out the lower lines but I think it might also have been shot shock. The nurse got him (and me) into position and injected the shots - instant screaming pain. We left and walked to the bakery for a treat and I carried Nick who kept crying out that his arm hurt so much. I had to put him down about halfway there because my tummy was bothering me. It felt completely like gas pain - again, not possible? We went to KidSnips for our appointment for Nick to get his haircut and I really started to not feel so good. I didn't quite know if I was going to vomit, pass out or what but I knew it wasn't good. Nick got his haircut and then we went to Mom's house to watch Tangled and just chill out. When we got to Mom's we changed out Scarlett and I mentioned the pain and noted that my stomach looked puffy. Not too long after that I had a feeling I haven't had in about 7 months - the feeling like I needed to sit on the toilet - poop feeling. TMI - I sat on the toilet and sure enough I was able to poop - holy shit - literally. How can I have an ileostomy and have bowel function? hasn't happened in nearly 7 months why today - April Fools? I guess when you name your medical devices they become independent thinkers and start playing jokes on you. I told Mom and she told me to call Jen. I did and I love how Jen makes each of my frantic calls seem like she has heard the exact same thing about 5 dozen times that day. Jen assured me that with a loop ileostomy, which I have, that the colon is not completely shut off and food/liquid can still make there way down and out. I didn't find it amusing - I was a bit disgusted and thought it really wasn't fair to have an active ileostomy and now an active colon. Well, the short of it - I have not spent this much time on the toilet since last summer - I hate it. Mom reminded me property taxes were due today and I hadn't paid ours yet so I told the kids to get their stuff together and I visited the toilet a final time before we ventured home. More jokes - apparently, just over 320 days since my last period my ovaries might have started to work again - seriously? I so feel mad with my body right now. I realize that all of this is good - this means my body is healing and recovering, however, I had accepted that I was basically in menopause - this could suck. We came home and I paid the taxes online and then I talked Nick into some snuggle time - he was still complaining his arm hurt. I put the hot pad on high and Nick on my lap and the blanket on top of us and we watched cartoons. Ellie played downstairs with her dollhouse. Around 5:30 Rob came home saturated from the Cubs game. Sadly (not), the Cubs lost and the Sox won today. Rob took a shower and then we caught up on the days 'news'. I eventually took a ride to pick up dinner - I thought I would try a baked potato. We ate dinner and then we got the kiddos ready for bed - time to start getting back on a schedule. While toilet runs have slowed down they still exist - still sucks. If I didn't have so much scheduled already for April I would really consider having the reversal sooner. I am so tired and while I was freezing most of the day I am now feeling a bit warm. So, as I said before, this is no April Fools joke - this was my body's joke for me today - irony. Needless to say my hands and feet were really not on my mind today - bigger problems existed. Hopefully the rest of the weekend is un-eventful. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree
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Yes, definitely a crazy day. I think your body is is starting to try to get back to "normal"...whatever that may be. Have you been taking your probiotics? Hopefully your digestive system will come to some sort of unified decision soon! Love ya, Mom