Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

I knew I was in trouble last night when I didn't take ativan until 10:00 - I watched tv until a bit after midnight and fell asleep on the couch until almost 4:00. I woke up to the sound of the lovely McSlaton duo singing me Happy Birthday - I could quite get to the phone - I had Nick on my shoulder. I came downstairs to my phone alerting me to a text from Julie - gosh what a way to wake up. Nick slept in until 8:00 - Ellie and I had breakfast together. I did some laundry and checked my email - already a ton of birthday wishes. Nick got up and I got him breakfast and got Ellie out to the bus stop. Nick had already began his I'm not going to school today regime.
I got Nick dressed and we were on our way to school - he was fine once we got to the car. I dropped him off at school and went to Mom's - we were meeting Mrs. B for coffee. I stopped off to vote before going to Mom's - I couldn't believe the line to vote. I had just missed Kate by the time I got tom Mom's. Mom, Mrs. B and I were off to Starbucks for coffee - we had a nice visit and girls time. We couldn't believe how much we smelled of coffee when we left - we were on a caffeine high. We went to get Nick from school - he had a bag of artwork and a cute framed pic of him from Halloween.
We went back to Mom's and Mrs. B said goodbye. We just had a relaxing afternoon - didn't really do anything but hang out and read through magazines and the paper. We snacked throughout the afternoon and watched pbs kids. Mom and I both put a blanket on and were 'coming down' from our caffeine high - we took a nap. Nick nicely played with blocks but did come up for some snuggle eventually. Nick and I headed home to get Ellie off the bus - he picked up leaves along the way. Ellie did her homework before we packed her up to take to running. Nick and I came back home and played with play-doh.
Rob picked Ellie up from running and brought her home - Nick wanted to go outside to play with his jeep but Rob and I convinced him the battery wasn't charged. I put his new wii game in for him but her wasn't interested - however - Ellie was all over Just Dance. I bought it back in march and it has sat un-opened but she opened it up and was entranced with the game. The plan for the evening was Mom and Dad were going to vote and then pick up Chinese food on their way here. I convinced Rob he needed to go vote because wouldn't he feel terrible if it was off by 1 vote. Ellie and Nick worked on a dance and then some coloring.
Mom and Dad called to say they were on their way and we got the table ready for dinner - it was so good. I'll be honest - today was a bit anti-climactic - I am getting my port inserted tomorrow and I am nervous and a bit scared. I haven't had the best luck with my veins and I am hoping Mom is right when she said eventually my luck has to turn around. I am having my fair share of wine and I will top it off with ativan but I can't eat after midnight and I am just a bunch of nerves. I totally know this is the way to go for chemo but I am so not looking forward to the procedure or the pain afterwards. Rob just filled up my glass with wine and left the bottle on the floor next to me - wow! My horoscope was good today it was talking about 10 year projections - I am all about long term projections. If you have a chance and are looking for something to do with your time - positive collective thoughts, wishes and prayers for a quick and reduced pain (I am being realistic - I know there will be pain) procedure and a good port being inserted that will be most excellent for chemo and good to me. I have had a couple glasses of wine -this might not make the most sense by now - thank you all for the birthday wishes - I feel the love. Visualising my healthy body, the best port results that I can have and the new normal me - whomever that shall be, Tree

1 comment:

  1. You will be fine! I know, easy for me to say. I do know that with our lousy luck with arm veins, this will make you happier in the long run. I am visualizing a trouble free, uneventful procedure, that helps to make a healthier you. You are loved. Happy birthday, sweetie. Glad we were able to celebrate with you. Keep positive! Love you, Mom
