Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday and life's back

Last night I sat on the sofa waiting for Rob to come down from putting the kids to sleep. I watched Food Truck Race on Food network and thought it was strange that Rob hadn't come down yet but thought maybe Nick thought he was missing something - but no, Rob feel asleep with Nick and never came down. I watched tv until 10:00 and then tried to go up to sleep. I didn't know how the stairs were going to go - I hadn't walked them in over a week - but I gripped the handrail and took it slow and made it to the top. I even was able to step over the gate at the top of the stairs - getting into bed was a bit tricky - we have a rather tall bed and I did have to stretch to get in but it was so worth it. I think it was the quickest I have gone to sleep in a week - felt so good to be on our mattress and have my own pillow again.
This morning, Rob went downstairs with the kids and I slept in until a bit after 8:00. I went downstairs and found that not only Rob and Nick were in the back room but Ellie, too. Ellie's post nasal drip has made its first appearance since school started and Rob had called her into school. We had a laid back morning - all of us cuddled up on the couch. After breakfast I took a nap - I get sleepy about 30-60 minutes after I eat. Rob took the kids downstairs for a project - it kept them entertained about the length of my nap. After I woke up we tried to take a walk outside but as soon as we got about 25 feet from the door the rain drops began.
Rob made a lunch run for us and gave Nick a bath to clean all the paint project residue off of him. By the time lunch rolled around Ellie was bored with being home sick and was desperate for activity. We tried a walk again and we were able to make it up the block and back again. We had a short visit with our neighbor before heading inside. I received an email back from Dr. Muldoon regarding my pathology - he apparently shared the info with me earlier in the week but it must have been one of my wacky days. The specimen did indeed have cancer cells as well as 7 of the 44 lymph nodes that were removed. This being said we will definitely proceed with the post-operative chemotherapy - this stupid cancer was aggressive and didn't die like everyone though it had.
The heating pad has helped to break up the massive bruising on my right arm but it still quite sore. My shoulders and neck are also still sore - that might take a few treatments from Patricia to straighten out. I took a little afternoon siesta while Rob put in a movie for the kids. I called Mom to find out if she wanted to join us for dinner - Dad is out of town this whole week - she agreed to come over. Ellie was very upset that Nick got to go outside to play and she did not and couldn't understand how we could establish such rules - drama queen in the making. We had a nice dinner together before Mom and I tried our first ileostomy change by ourselves - we think it turned out well. I did realize that I need to tune down the nerves around the ileostomy though because the wafer that is adhesive attached to me hurts quite a bit when it is being peeled off. Hopefully, when my incisions heal and my blisters (I ended up with a few blisters and we think they were from the tape during surgery) go away the pulling won't hurt so much.
Rob took the kids up to bed and I am watching the new Dancing with the Stars - so excited to have entertaining tv again. I think there will be a bakery run in my future tomorrow - chocolate is one of those things that has been lacking in my diet. Other than that - I am feeling well, I don't think my stomach holds as much as it used to - I fill up quickly. I am hoping Rob makes it down tonight but I understand his exhaustion catching up to him. Visualising my healthy body and my continued healthy recovery and the new normal me - whoever that shall be, Tree


  1. I hate to break it to you but not only did Muldoon give you the path report but you called Rob and told him while I was with him last week! Chalk it up to some good drugs! Glad to hear you're doing so well - take it slow and easy.
    - Cindy

  2. It still amazes me that the vast majority of the people going through this type of cancer are well into their senior years. You are so fortunate that you have a wonderful, young body to get you through! You're also young enough to have the support of lots of family and many seniors are alone. I think we did pretty well together was definitely our learning experience! Love ya, Mom
