I saw Dr. Marsh earlier this month. My visit was sort of strange. Margaret, his nurse, has gone back to a navigation position and is helping out in the transition to oncology more. She wasn't at my appointment. Dr. Marsh has a new nurse, can't recall her name. My blood work all came back with my normal ranges. I asked him to run my vitamin D level which did come back deficient. He told me how I was overdue, only by a few weeks, for my colonoscopy. Anyhow, the strange part was just how the entire appointment felt weird.mi guess it is good I don't feel like I belong there anymore. I asked him about a couple things and he told me they would be great things to talk to my primary care physician about. I see him in a year again.
I came home from my visit and scheduled my colonoscopy appointment. I asked for different prep because I cannot keep the go-litely down. I was given a prescription for Movie-Prep, it is half the amount of liquid. Prep was easy this time around. I didn't get the stomach cramps, no chills and shakes, no dry heaving or vomiting. It will go down in history as the colonoscopy of comical errors. Our power went out around 8:30 while I was still in the middle of needing to run to the washroom. Then we woke up to news that the Skokie Swift tracks had collapsed - thus the power outage. What I wasn't counting on was the 45 minute backup of traffic on Howard. Luckily, I left enough time to get to Mom's house and I had visited the washroom before I left home. Mom drove me to the hospital and I was taken back. They were running a bit late and the first nurse blew my vein when she tried to start my IV. Dr. Bianchi found one itty bitty polyp and resected it. I get to see her in 2 years.
I have an appointment in June with my new primary care physician to discuss my vitamin D deficiency and my hip Charlie horses.
Visualizing my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree