Whirlwind couple of days around here and that brings to a close March Madness. Thursday was Nick's 5
th birthday. We did some shopping in the morning and headed over to Mom and Dad's to catch up. Ellie and Nick were able to use some of their birthday gift money to buy the toys they wanted. Ellie is very into the new Lego Friends line and Nick is looking for all the
diecast cars he needs to complete his set.
We had lunch at Mom and Dad's and showed them pictures from our trip. The kids played with Dad and Matteo. We came home and Rob had spent the day working in the garage to clean up and organize it. We went to Red Robin for Nick's birthday dinner. It was a fun time and it is cute how he sort of gets
embarrassed over the attention he gets.
Friday morning we started the day off at the doctors office for the kids annual physicals. They are both doing wonderfully - neither have had an asthma related flare up in months and allergies seem to be pretty good so far. Ellie is still in the 95
th percentile for height and weight and Nick is in the 80-85
th percentile for height and weight. They both needed shots - 1 for Ellie and 3 for Nick. They both have rather sore left arms that are bruised and hot. We stopped into the bakery for a treat and then went to Mom and Dad's. We had lunch there and then we took Tony to school.
We came home and the kids played all afternoon. Rob left to go do a soccer game and we went grocery shopping for Nick's birthday party. Rob
texted me to let me know the game had been cancelled and he was home. We finished shopping and picked up pepper and egg sandwiches on the way home. Mom called while we were eating dinner to tell us Mistletoe (one of their cats) had passed away. He has been sick for a few weeks and really wasn't doing well the last couple days. The kids and I went over to help them bury Mistletoe in the yard. We came home and got the kids to sleep.
Saturday morning, Ellie helped me make cupcakes and cut up fruits and veggie for the party. The kids played and then we got ready to go. Nick's party was at the local kids play area and his friends from school came. The kids were so fun to watch - running around and playing with the water, dressing up and just being kids. It was such a nice group of kids (and parents) and it was truly an enjoyable party. We came home and put all the party stuff away and I went into organization mode. I cleaned up the basement and then worked on the front closet. I was able to get some laundry done and we ordered a pizza for dinner. Mom and Dad stopped by and
took the kids to the corner to get them chocolate milk and cookies.
This morning we went to church for Palm Sunday service. We came back here and cleaned up a bit more and we were able to get Easter put up and St. Patty's day put away. We played with the kids and had some friends from out of town over for dinner. We went to Gulliver and had some great pizza and then we came back here so we could visit and the kids could play. It was a great visit - sad we don't live closer.
I am feeling pretty good. I had a not so great couple nights sleep. Last night was real crappy. I went up to bed a couple times and ended up back downstairs
because an hour later I was still wide awake. My right hip Charlie horses are back - pain in the, well, hip. I am sort of surprised my feet don't hurt more than they do considering all the time I have spent standing the past couple days. Visualising my healthy and continually healing body and the new normal, Tree